Get the picnic baskets out, find the Red and White Checkered Tableclothe, get out the plastic plates, knives, forks and spoons and lets Celebrate! Let's see - what shall we have on the menu? Meatloaf was one of Grandma Smith/Rosenbergs favorites, then there were the homemade baked beans that she put in the oven to cook overnight. Of course she had boiled some eggs and put them in a jar with beets and vinegar for 'pickled eggs' too. She had made potato salad and when there would be a great deal more than just the 5 of us, she would fry up a chicken. There was always plenty to eat, and we sure looked forward to it too.
That was then, and this is now. What makes the Fourth of July such a great deal of fun for all the family? Well the Templeton City Parade of course. How did we ever live without it before we moved here? I will never know. Is it Big? No! Is it spectacular? No! But it sure is fun. The
size, the contents even the length is of little consequence. Everyone looks forward to being with everyone else and just having FUN! The kids of course look forward to the challenge of getting some of the candy that is always thrown out by the various floats that participate. Then there are those small flags that are passed out each year so they may be waved as
the 'parade passes by'.
It takes longer to find a place, get settled; and say Hi to all the friends that show up than it does to watch the parade, but heck, that is what the day is all about. Being with those who you love and those who have crossed the various paths of life you have led that makes the day so anticipated and greatly enjoyed. Not the food, not the other things that go on, but being aware of the great blessing of being a citizen of such a great country and the pride in being part of it and remembering those who have paid, with time, life and limb to keep America as great as 'she' is! Waving the Red, White and Blue and singing "God Bless America", or "America the Beautiful".
Yep! it is that time of year again when we stop what we do usually and set about getting things ready for a very Fun Day with the Family and Friends that mean so much to us. Aren't we lucky to be able to do it one more time! Well I think I am - how about you?
Written this 27th of June 2011
by: Eileen C. Rosenberg
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hey, I am back again!
Been awhile since I sat at the computer and downloaded my mind on a few things that may, or, may not be of interest? It is a Sunday Morning and I am not in Church, as I should be, due to Broncitus. Hardly thought anyone would care to hear me 'hack' and 'sputter'. Come to think of it, I
don't care much for it myself. That being said, I first wish to 'Thank' those who have been putting things on their Blog - whoever they may be.
It seems when I check, the time some have been absent with 'updates' have become more than less. Wonder why that could be? Time certainly gets away from us, and with the things that have been happening in my life, I certainly realize that when it is gone, it is gone and there is not a thing we can do that will bring back opportunity that was missed. So I hope those of you who have been negligent in putting something on the Blog will take a minute or two to get back 'on line' and let us all hear from you. Particulary pictures, which I apologize is one of the things I know little about. Maybe one day one of those who do; will take the time to come and show me how I can add them as well!
As most of you know, the end of the year at our house was a bit sad with the passing of Paul, who we all loved so dearly. How greatful I am that the Lord allowed him to stay with us as long as He did! I realize I have written a great deal about his life, and there is probably yet many things left unwritten, I will however try to finish that one of these days when I am struck with some inspiration that will do justice to the subject. In the mean time, I am thinking about all that has happened since that time. The family has some things happen that has kept us busy and occupied in other areas of our lives. Health has been a issue for some of us, while others have been busy with their work, their children and the activites they bring. How quickly time flies by. Why it was just yesterday that I was writting out the invitations for the first wedding of Grand Children. Now I am startled that our oldest Great Grand Son has just gradated from Junior High School and will be attending High School in the Fall. Then again his Sister will be coming into the Junior High he just left. Now that tells me - time has been marching along! How did that happen? Well I can't really explain it, but I believe someone once told me that it has something to do with 'growing older'. Now, you understand, I had no intention of having this happen as rapidly as it has, but find, much to my surprise that I had little to no control over any of it.
I believe what I do understand it that it is a pretty wonderful experience. I have just sat here, in my own little world, and some pretty exciting things have taken place all around me. Young people have sorted through the numerous people who have propelled themselve into and out of their lives to find that one special person that filled their hearts, and they married and started another generation. As ONE of the Grand Parents in the Family Lines, it has been quite a great thrill to have been 'added upon' in such a special way. Being members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was pleased to attend the weddings of each of the Grand Children in their particular choice of Temples to seal their families for Eternity. Which reminds me of what was said at the time our Daughter was sealed with her family - having been sometime since her marriage to our Son-in-law: "the blessings are the same". Just another reminder that the LORD is always ready to accept us when we are willing to do what is right. The time may not be the point to when we, as individuals meet 'that need' within ourselves. Possilby, I more than anyone can speak to that subject. I am not sure I have done so previously, but just in case, I will skim over it 'once lightly' now.
I was not a member when Jay and I were married and though I joined the Church later, I had a difficult time adjusting to the idea that after being married in the Church, by a Bishop that it could be necessary for me to be married again for things to be 'correct'. After nearly 10 years, the entire reason for going to a Temple was born deeply into my mind. I worked very hard to get that same thought pattern into my Husbands. (I realized after many years, that is not something you do.) One may take part in the ceremony, and yet, not really be ready to accept the Blessings that are pronounced. It happens. . . . . . The only thing is when it does. . . there are more things envolved than most people are aware of. You know, we can think we know, even believe we understand, but in reality, like dropping a pebble into a pond, the ripples will spread wider and farther from when they began than we could possibly believe.
I will not go into details here, they are more personal and hurtful than I care to venture into, but, for the sake of making my story coherent I will simple say: having lived through such an experience, there are few words that can truly express the feeling ones has when they find their partner does not feel about a thing as important to them as it really is. Feeling left alone, really alone. Eternity is such a long time, and it is a place where things are ment to be shared. Come to think of it, I don't believe there is a way to tell those inner feelings that are so tender and so very special. One would have to experience it to know. I have been there, and in many ways still have the haunting after math that trails behind such experiences.
When I think of "Forever Families" it means something so very special to me that I am not sure I can explain it adequately. No, I don't think I can go deep enough to tell you.
Well on to brighter subjects - I have a new life, one where I can think of myself, not such a great thing really, but for the first time, I am able to come and go as I choose, and do what I desire to do. Well, after I get my knee working, and this darn cough under control that is!
Just what is it that this Great Grand Mother of eight (at this writting, that is) really want to do? Well, if I had money I would like to travel. Seeings that is not what I have, I will settle for becoming active in some worth while project or other. Maybe some volunteer work, have someone move into the house with me, so if I did have the chance to get away there would be someone here to take care of things and feed 'the darn cat'. I hope there is something along those lines that will materialize in the near future! In the meantime, I set here quite pleased to know that things on the various fronts of the family seem to be mushing along fairly well, and in time the dreams and wishes will become another part of the story. I can not help but remember when Grandma Smith/Rosenberg got her Patriarical Blessing she was told at 60 something or other: "when in your twilight years", well kids, I believe, I too have arrived at that time of life.
Can't say that I mind, I would like to feel I follow the thought: "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thorougly used up, totaly worn out, and saying . . . . WOW . . . what a ride!!!" Can't say I am
at that point yet, but GEE! I am enjoying this ride! (The used up part seems to be creeping up on me however!) - Love Ya -
Written this 26th day of June 2011
by: Eileen C. Rosenberg
don't care much for it myself. That being said, I first wish to 'Thank' those who have been putting things on their Blog - whoever they may be.
It seems when I check, the time some have been absent with 'updates' have become more than less. Wonder why that could be? Time certainly gets away from us, and with the things that have been happening in my life, I certainly realize that when it is gone, it is gone and there is not a thing we can do that will bring back opportunity that was missed. So I hope those of you who have been negligent in putting something on the Blog will take a minute or two to get back 'on line' and let us all hear from you. Particulary pictures, which I apologize is one of the things I know little about. Maybe one day one of those who do; will take the time to come and show me how I can add them as well!
As most of you know, the end of the year at our house was a bit sad with the passing of Paul, who we all loved so dearly. How greatful I am that the Lord allowed him to stay with us as long as He did! I realize I have written a great deal about his life, and there is probably yet many things left unwritten, I will however try to finish that one of these days when I am struck with some inspiration that will do justice to the subject. In the mean time, I am thinking about all that has happened since that time. The family has some things happen that has kept us busy and occupied in other areas of our lives. Health has been a issue for some of us, while others have been busy with their work, their children and the activites they bring. How quickly time flies by. Why it was just yesterday that I was writting out the invitations for the first wedding of Grand Children. Now I am startled that our oldest Great Grand Son has just gradated from Junior High School and will be attending High School in the Fall. Then again his Sister will be coming into the Junior High he just left. Now that tells me - time has been marching along! How did that happen? Well I can't really explain it, but I believe someone once told me that it has something to do with 'growing older'. Now, you understand, I had no intention of having this happen as rapidly as it has, but find, much to my surprise that I had little to no control over any of it.
I believe what I do understand it that it is a pretty wonderful experience. I have just sat here, in my own little world, and some pretty exciting things have taken place all around me. Young people have sorted through the numerous people who have propelled themselve into and out of their lives to find that one special person that filled their hearts, and they married and started another generation. As ONE of the Grand Parents in the Family Lines, it has been quite a great thrill to have been 'added upon' in such a special way. Being members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was pleased to attend the weddings of each of the Grand Children in their particular choice of Temples to seal their families for Eternity. Which reminds me of what was said at the time our Daughter was sealed with her family - having been sometime since her marriage to our Son-in-law: "the blessings are the same". Just another reminder that the LORD is always ready to accept us when we are willing to do what is right. The time may not be the point to when we, as individuals meet 'that need' within ourselves. Possilby, I more than anyone can speak to that subject. I am not sure I have done so previously, but just in case, I will skim over it 'once lightly' now.
I was not a member when Jay and I were married and though I joined the Church later, I had a difficult time adjusting to the idea that after being married in the Church, by a Bishop that it could be necessary for me to be married again for things to be 'correct'. After nearly 10 years, the entire reason for going to a Temple was born deeply into my mind. I worked very hard to get that same thought pattern into my Husbands. (I realized after many years, that is not something you do.) One may take part in the ceremony, and yet, not really be ready to accept the Blessings that are pronounced. It happens. . . . . . The only thing is when it does. . . there are more things envolved than most people are aware of. You know, we can think we know, even believe we understand, but in reality, like dropping a pebble into a pond, the ripples will spread wider and farther from when they began than we could possibly believe.
I will not go into details here, they are more personal and hurtful than I care to venture into, but, for the sake of making my story coherent I will simple say: having lived through such an experience, there are few words that can truly express the feeling ones has when they find their partner does not feel about a thing as important to them as it really is. Feeling left alone, really alone. Eternity is such a long time, and it is a place where things are ment to be shared. Come to think of it, I don't believe there is a way to tell those inner feelings that are so tender and so very special. One would have to experience it to know. I have been there, and in many ways still have the haunting after math that trails behind such experiences.
When I think of "Forever Families" it means something so very special to me that I am not sure I can explain it adequately. No, I don't think I can go deep enough to tell you.
Well on to brighter subjects - I have a new life, one where I can think of myself, not such a great thing really, but for the first time, I am able to come and go as I choose, and do what I desire to do. Well, after I get my knee working, and this darn cough under control that is!
Just what is it that this Great Grand Mother of eight (at this writting, that is) really want to do? Well, if I had money I would like to travel. Seeings that is not what I have, I will settle for becoming active in some worth while project or other. Maybe some volunteer work, have someone move into the house with me, so if I did have the chance to get away there would be someone here to take care of things and feed 'the darn cat'. I hope there is something along those lines that will materialize in the near future! In the meantime, I set here quite pleased to know that things on the various fronts of the family seem to be mushing along fairly well, and in time the dreams and wishes will become another part of the story. I can not help but remember when Grandma Smith/Rosenberg got her Patriarical Blessing she was told at 60 something or other: "when in your twilight years", well kids, I believe, I too have arrived at that time of life.
Can't say that I mind, I would like to feel I follow the thought: "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thorougly used up, totaly worn out, and saying . . . . WOW . . . what a ride!!!" Can't say I am
at that point yet, but GEE! I am enjoying this ride! (The used up part seems to be creeping up on me however!) - Love Ya -
Written this 26th day of June 2011
by: Eileen C. Rosenberg
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