I had read about this particular Tour and thought it would be a great Graduation Gift for Paul. It would give him a great foundation for his up coming Mission, no matter where he was called to serve. (Or so I thought.) I made the arrangements only to find Paul did not have the slightest interest in such a venture.
Not to be detered, I talked to my Mother and she was very interested in taking the reservation I had made for Paul. At the time, neither of us realized the adventure that was just ahead of us as we finalized our plans to leave. I spent a great deal of time sewing for the trip. I wanted to have dresses that would be easy to pack, and cool enough to take the humidity and weather we would have during the time we were gone.
Mother drove up from Huntington Park and Jay took us over to Bakersfield to fly up to Salt Lake City where the Tour would begin. It was exciting. The two Tour Guides were known to me from Classes I had taken during Education Week in Southern California. Both were outstanding teachers, and very knowledgeable about the places we were going to visit. Things took a decided turn just before we were to leave. The Airlines decided to strike. BYU had made arrangements for changes in our travel plans to accomdate the lack of Airline connections, but it ment a great many hours on a Bus. Nothing could be done to change that. I don't know if anyone backed out, but Mom and I were a go, no matter what.
I believe the original plan was to fly to New York and work our way back from there to Salt Lake City. With the Strike on, we started by flying Continental to Kansas City and picking up our buses there, hoping that by the time we finished in New York, the Strike would be over and getting us back by flying would be no problem.
Some housing changes had to be made at some of the locations due to the changes in our stops.
Mom and I had to share a room with another lady some of the time. She snored, and made it very difficult for a light sleeper like me to get much rest. The room had two large beds and as I was the youngest of the three, I got to sleep on the "roll away". I was greatful it did'nt happen too often. I think Mom was as well.
As we were starting the Tour in reverse, it took some adjusting for the teachers as we went along. They adjusted their speaking assignments and it was really special to have them both at every stop. Oh, I don't believe I told you who they were. Lynn McKinlay and Truman Madsen. Lynn McKinlay had his wife plus one or two of his children along. They were so nice to have with us. We became great friends by the end of the Tour.
I had decided to apply for Travel Study Credits, so that ment I had to take a great many notes and of course pictures as we went along. I would have anyway, but I was most careful to get everything down that would make a worthwhile report at the end of the journey. Our contact for the Tour with BYU was Robert Young. He would become a very great freind as well by the time we finished the adventure we had started. Probably a good thing we did not know the end at the beginning, for an adventure it certainly would become as we went along.
We started at Independence, Missouri. At this time there were still places we could not visit due to the lingering feelings against the "Mormons" in the area. It was not noticed where we went, which was good. We attended Church in a lovely new Chapel on Sunday. The Later-day Saints in Missouri treated us with a lovely luncheon after Church. It was a highlight to begin our Tour. Meeting people who had embraced the Gospel in an area that was not friendly before gave us a great start. It was a beautiful day, Missouri is a beautiful State.
Everyday the Tour Guides had to check to see what arrangements had been made for us at each stop. With such a large group to manage it was always a problem getting some of the members to remember they were in a group. Some would take more time shopping at each stop to the point it would hold us up in getting to where we had to be at a certain time. Another draw back was so many arriving at one time to be fed. It did put a strain on those who had accepted our Buses for service. We soon learned who was willing to step up to help things move along and who were too self serving to care about the rest of us.
I guess it was at these times the Tour Guides sorted out those they could count on to assist them in keeping things running smoothly. It could be a big job for just two or them. I am not sure just how they kept there cool with so much having to be taken care of everyday. It is difficult enough to guide, teach and satisfy such a large group when everything is laid out nicely and no hitches in the daily routine, but this Tour was another thing altogether.
We had a young lady in the group who seemed fine until we got to Kirtland, Ohio. She had taken a decided attachment to Lynn McKinlay. I was happy his wife was there, she helped him I am sure with the increasing problem. When Lynn had finished his lecture in the Kirtland Temple, he asked us to follow him out to the Graveyard that was next door. We all got up and were about to leave when this young lady fell down in front of Lynn and started to worship him. It was an ackward scene for everyone. Truman Madsen had to step in and pick her up and take her out to the Bus. The rest of us, stunned, but willing to follow orders walked outside and just walked around the outside of the Temple until things could be brought back to order.
Truman Madsen had been Mission President over the Mission in this area, so knew people he could call for help. The young lady was given some medical treatment and housed until her family could make arrangements to return her home. I believe she was from the State of Washington. No one ever mentioned her again. I talked to Truman about her later. He said she had an emotional problem and should not have come on the Tour. Her family was able to get her home and taken care of.
Our trip to Nauvoo, (I am not sure I am taking this in order) was made special for Mother and I. We were standing on the edge of the lot for the Temple when a group of men working in one of the back corners started shouting. We learned later they had just brought up the first of bucket of water from the well that had furnished the Temple Baptistry. Remember, this is 1965 and there was nothing but an indentation in the lot where the Temple had once stood. When I stood on that same area in 2006 there was a sidewalk and steps leading up to the Temple as it stands today. What a thrill to know I had been there when such an important event had taken place.
Nauvoo was different then, only a portion of the buildings had been rebuilt. This was before the Restoration had started. The Reorganized Church had a much larger presence there than did the Church. That has all changed now. We were fortunate to see the difference over the years.
Joseph Smiths old Homestead and the Mansion House were all that were at the Riverside area.
The Nauvoo House foundation and some of the lower wall was still there, but that was all. The Church had secured the Burial Plot behind the Homestead, but the Brick Store was gone. Not the way you find it today.
Because I am such a fan of Orrin Porter Rockwell, I was interested in his home. Truman told us that he had been given a lot in town, but had never built a home on it. We drove by and he pointed it out to the group. We spent time at the Heber C. Kimball home. It had been restored, and we were allowed to go through it. The Summer Kitchen out back is where Vilate Kimball received answer to her prayer about why Heber was so troubled. She returned to the house and told Heber she knew what was troubling him, and that they would take care of it in the morning. After breakfast she went with Heber to visit the Prophet Joseph at the Mansion House where she submitted herself to Plural Marriage. If there ever was an Elect Lady in Nauvoo, surely Vilate Kimball earned such a title.
Our Tour was planned so we could attend the Pagent at the Hill Cumorah. It was all the more special because it was the first time they had used their new sound system, and Lynn had done the narration. The ground shook when the tempest was depicted during the Pagent, and the thrill of seeing the Savior come down to the Nephites following his Crucifiction. However nothing could compare with the visit to the Grove and the meeting that was held there followed by a Testimony Meeting. The people who come from all over to put that Pagent on have their meetings in that setting, and it must be awesome for them. It certainly was for all of us.
We spent time at Niagra Falls before we went down to New York City. I had not been there as an adult. I guess the family had gone there when I was quite young, but I didn't remember it. One has to be prepared to get wet when they visit there. It is such a great thrill to see it both during the day and at night. Yes, it is lite up at night.
Now the adventure begins. When we got to New York, the question was, will we be able to fly?
The answer - well we got a phone call and I was asked to meet Truman in the Lounge. A lovely room with couches and chairs all around. He informed me that Lynn had a speaking engagement and had to leave. Robert Young had been able to get him out on a plane, but there were no such arrangements for the group. The Tour would have to Bus back to Kansas City where they hoped to have accomdations for all to fly back to Salt Lake City. Now however, the Tour was minus one Guide. There were more people than one Bus could handle so the decision was made to split the Tour Members who lived in California and send them on a regular bus going to Salt Lake City. BYU was responsible to see they got there, and that their food and transportation was paid for. I was asked to conduct the group. The next day, Truman took me to the Bus Station and to the Office where I would be given tickets for the group and he gave me $50.00 in cash to feed them.
One problem. When we got to the Office, there was no ticket. I was told the Tour Bus was leaving right now, and Truman needed to get down there. No Ticket for me . I was told however the Driver had a manifest that would see us through to our destination. Truman had already left with the Tour Group. Here am I with the California Group and instructions where to take them when we got to Kansas City, no Bus Tickets and $50.00. Oh, and the private telephone number for Robert Young. I was to call him at every stop, and report our progress. Being on a Regular Bus on a Regular Schedule, there would be different stops to eat, etc. so I had no guarantee I would see the other Bus any time along the trip West. Who could panic? I had too much to think about.
If you haven't taken a Bus trip across the United States, you have no idea how much you have never missed! It is not a way to go. I ended up with Mother, the lady that snored, a couple that was beside themselves to think they had been pond off to a nobody, a grandmother and her two grandchildren. There was someone else, because I had 10, but I don't remember who they were. Anyway, we got on our Bus and headed out. Truman and the Group had left about 20 minutes ahead of us, but they were not on the whistle stop we were, so I did not expect to see them again.
I tried to see to everyones comfort, pick up their tabs when we stopped to eat and get them back on the Bus before we had to leave again. When we got to Omaha, Nebraska we were to have a long layover before our next bus. I had talked to the group and asked if they would care to take a taxi out to Winter Quarters and spend some time there. I could give them a short talk about the place. I had spent years studying Church History, and felt I could make it interesting for them. It was agreed, I went to the phone to call Robert Young and tell him what we were doing, while I was waiting for the phone call, Mom came to the booth and told me we had to go, the Bus Drive had come and said we could make the Bus that was just leaving. I hung up without talking to anyone and ran to catch the Bus. We were off. It was now we had picked up time and I hoped we could make connections with the Tour Bus. Sure enough as we are going down the highway, one of the kids noticed the Bus. I was able to get to a window where Truman Madsen saw me. I was waving to him and he was blowing kisses to me. He was relieved to know we were O.K. and now ahead of him.
When we arrived at Kansas City, I was sure we would meet up with the Group, but when we got to the Hotel, no Tour. The Hotel only let me have half enough rooms, so the "odd couple" insisted in having a room to themselves, so the rest of us crowded into one room. It was O.K. because it was early, and the weather was beautiful so we just sat around the pool and soaked up the sunshine. It was much later in the evening when the Tour arrived and rooms were assigned and everyone could go to bed. Truman announced they were able to get everyone on the Bus on a flight to Salt Lake City the next morning, but the group from California would have to take an Air Bus that would make a great many stops before it got to Salt Lake. Again I was told to keep in touch with Robert Young and he would talk me through every step as we went.
The Tour Bus had become a hassle. Everyone sort of did their own thing, that was why we had caught up with them. They made every stop a layover while they shopped and lingered over their meals. Truman was nearly beside himself with the attitudes. When they arrived in Kansas City and found we had been there for hours before they arrived, they were really upset. When they heard they were getting an Airliner out and we were going by Air Bus, they were pretty pleased with themselves.
They left before us, but their plane was delayed. That is the way of it when a Strike is on. We on the other hand got right on our little put put and flew from Kansas City, back to Lincoln, Nebraska then I can't remember how many time we were up and then down, but we finally arrived at Salt Lake City. I got the snorer out on one flight, the grandma and her kiddies out on another, and the Odd Couple on their way, but had to wait for our flight to Bakersfield. After that was all taken care of, I made a call to Robert Young down in Provo. He asked me where I was and I said: "Salt Lake City". He gasp and said: "Salt Lake City?" I said yes, I had just put my other California people on their flights back home and Mother and I were waiting for our flight to Bakersfield. He told me he hadn't heard from Truman, they hadn't arrived yet. He thanked me for all my help and I was happy I had been able to do whatever it was I did.
The Ending was choice. Here Mother and I stood when the plane arrived with the Tour Group
and Truman. He was so happy to see me - by then we were very good friends and he had dubbed me "little sister". The rest of the party were not the least pleased to see us standing there. The Puddle Jumper had beat the big airplane, go figure. All I can say is when the Lord
has a small flock under the care of a scared leader, He takes over and great things happen. I cannot say enough about the way we were carried from New York to Kansas City and then on
to Salt Lake City. On a Bus with no tickets, supposed long layovers and some very unhappy people. Well it was a miracle. Truman could not believe we beat them, and yet he knew the group he had was not the least bit co operative in keeping them on schedule. They had held themselves up at every stop. As we have all heard, "alls well that ends well". We had an outstanding Tour, learned a lot, and enjoyed ourselves greatly. I wouldn't care to do it that way again, but have been greatful for the experience.
A week after my return home I received a lovely boquet of flowers from Robert Young, Truman Madsen and BYU with a card that said: "Thanks for service above and beyond the call of beauty".
I was saddened some years later when I heard Robert Young had passed away, and now all these years later that Truman Madsen has passed away as well. Two very good friends who I will remember lovingly forever.
Written this 15th day of September 2009
by: Eileen Rosenberg
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