Saturday, February 25, 2012

Love That Train!

You guessed it, I will be off again to Oregon on the Coast Starlight on March 28th. Spend 21 days with my Brother in Redmond. Looking forward to it too. I knew that my Nephew Jay was leaving to go to Arizona to visit his Brother, but wasn't sure just when. As it turns out it will be during the time I am able to be there. So Ron and I can 'paint the town' without the younger generation telling us we have to mind ourselves at our age. Now just who wants to do that?
My Train experiences started when Jay and I made our Alaska Cruise, way back when. Then we were in the Chair Car, trying to grab some sleep and find comfort. It was on our return trip from Seattle, Washington that we happened to be joined by an employee of the Company and he told us if we wanted to have a nice trip, try the Roomette the next time. It gives you the privacy, a place to sleep at night and of course your meals are all included. Well it took Paul to get me on the first trip, and from then on I have been hooked. I don't think it is cheaper than flying, and of course it takes more time than flying, but it is so much more accomodating than any of the Airlines are today. Plus you don't have to go through all that Security Check. You do have to check your bags if you are going cross country and have to change Trains, but with the way I am going, I take my luggage with me, and get on and off with ease.
I realize the leg room isn't all that great if there are two in the Roomette, but there are upper and lower bunks, and sleeping on a Train is a great experience. Going from Paso Robles to Oregon there are a number of stops. Of course there is no longer Smoking on the Train, so when they have long enough breaks, folks get off to have a smoke. In some cases the passengers can only get out from certain cars, so it could mean quite a walk if they are at the wrong end of the Train. I am greatful I don't have to worry about such things.
The Parlor Car is nice if you like to watch the landscape go by, but I can see what I want from the window of my Roomette. It seems they always put me on the top. As I only have to go up the Stairs once when I get on and once when I get off, so that is not bad. There are Restrooms both upper and lower in the Sleeper Cars, so I don't have a problem that way. Of course the way to the Parlor and Dining Car are on the upper lever, so that is an aid, however I usually have them bring my meals so I don't have to cross the connecting portion of the cars going and coming. Not that steady on my feet with the cane while I am on the move. Part of the service that they offer, and I am greatful for it!
The Train takes 16 hours to make the trip. I leave around 4:00 PM on Wednesday and arrive at Chumult at about 9:00 AM the next morning. I have to get off the Train there and take the Shuttle Bus up to Redmond which is another 2 hours. Because the Bus has a Wheel Chair Ramp, it does a great deal of rattle, banging, but the ride is smooth, the driver is always helpful, and there are generally about 6 people who take the Bus.
Not everyone is going as far as I am, so I usually have the Bus all to myself after we leave Bend which is just a short ride from Redmond. The Bus only went to Bend at first, but they extended the Service, and the Bus now stops in Redmond at the Airport Parking Lot. Easy to catch going both ways, and is a great help as the family doesn't have to come down to Bend to pick me up anymore.
The return trip is kind of different. I have to catch the Bus at 5:00 pm and then get the Train at 8:08 pm. My bed is always made up for the return trip, so I can just get into my Jammies and cuddle down in the comfort of the bed. Some times I read, other times I am tired enough to go to sleep and wake up in plenty of time to have Breakfast and enjoy the early view along the way that I missed on the night going up. They give me Lunch just before we come into Paso Robles on the return trip, so I get two meals going and two on my return. I have to admit the choice is always good, and of course if I choose to go to the Parlor Car, I can have what ever it is they are serving. The Menu there is different than the Dining Car offers, so you have a choice. If I was a drinking person, they have Cheese and Wine right after I board in Paso Robles going up, so there are always a lot of things to enjoy for the price of the ticket, and I say, it is far better than anything the Airlines offer. I think the extra time it takes to get where I am going is better spent than having to get on and off so many planes to make the same distance in about 1/3 the time. I just don't seem to make those connections as smoothly as once I did, plus as I say, the Airlines are no longer offering any Service to speak of. It is no benefit to have to get 'fast food' in the terminal to take care of any need you might have while you are on the move. I guess that is the sign of the time. Very little service from the many places we do business these days. Once you went into a store, and were greeted by someone at every counter to take care of us. Now you have to gather up your purchases and then stand in line to have them checked out. Banks use to have a whole line of tellers to take care of the Customers, not anymore. It seems there is only one or two, and they spend more time chatting with the Customer in front of me. When I get up there, they either don't know me, or don't care. Oh well, just one of those things we have to live with these days. The Train certainly has a great deal to offer. I would like to take it to San Diego again and spend a couple days down there looking around. So much to see and do there, and the Trip down the Coast is one of the best. When I find someone willing to share the time, I think I just may do that. In the mean time, I am greatful to have the Train to take me to and from Oregon with so much service and beauty along the way to make the trip fun and beneficial.
You might try the Train yourself - who knows, you might like it too?

Written this 25th day of February 2012
by: Eileen Rosenberg

Monday, February 20, 2012

Friends and Family

Good Morning One and All:
I have been enjoying a sum what different kind of visit here in the Sacramento Area for the past week. Came to spend some time with a Missionary Friend who is having some health problems.
Of course while I have been away from home things have been happening to some of my other 'friends and family members'. Part of life in the fast lane I suppose?! What seems to be part of life in general!
I was only here a day when I got a call that informed me my friend Lilly Straw became Grandma again, after a lengthy wait that had her family all on pins and needles. Well it all came about in a very normal and happy way, so that was good news indeed. Then I learned that one of my grand daughters had some extended problems from when her Dad and Mom had visited her just a week earlier, and had everyone on pins and needles in our family. It was quite a scare according to her Blog Account, but again things came to a happy conclusion, for which everyone in our family is very pleased.
All of this brings up that age old question of just why such things happen to such nice folks, and of course we end up with the same age old answer: "Who Knows Why?" As the Sage once said, "Ours not to reason why". No, we just tuck up, lean in and carry on. The one thing we all seem to have to learn in this life is that we are here for the experience and when these things come into our lives, we just have to accept them, adjust to what ever they bring to us, and then smile, for it is soon learned: "This too, came to pass". How I wish for those I love so dearly it wasn't the way some things stress us out, but that is just the way it is.
If love could change these kinds of things, it would be easier, but we are here to learn to experience and endure. What ever we have come our way is the "stuff" that makes us what we are to become. I have that extreme hope that when we reach the end of our journey here we will see the wisdom in all that has transpired in our lives, and to those we love and care for. Then I suppose we will strike our heads with those famous words: "Why didn't I think of that!?" The perfect way of realizing that hind sight was always the way we see the "better way!"
I start home tomorrow. Hoping the traffic will be light, and the drivers who share the highway with me are thoughtful and stay in their lanes and leave me to mine. That I will be able to make all the correct connections with the many Freeways I must "mearge" with when I am suppose to.
My trip up was smooth and enjoyable, I am hoping for a repeat performance for me and my little car. As for my friends here, and those I will be returning to, I hope they are all in good condition and will enjoy life and all of it's many blessings. I feel blessed with having each of them in my life and pray they will keep me in their prays while I am away, and when I return home to find my cat has become very snooty about being left. Which means it will be a time before she makes me her special friend again. They do get an attitude when they are left behind. Of course she wouldn't go with me even if I wanted her to. (I don't believe my friend would welcome MIA because she is allergic to cats.) I will accept what I have to and be happy to make what ever adjustments will be necessary to bring her back into my 'tender loving care'. And of course that goes for each of you as well. God Bless and Keep You!!!!!!

P.S. Thanks Keara for getting me into the Computer Program that was causing me fits.
Found what we needed and hopefully my friend can get her problem worked out!

Written this 20th day of February 2012
by: Eileen C. Rosenberg