Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween way back then!

With all the Halloween stuff out, houses trimmed and the lights aglow with ghosts and gobblins, I couldn't help but think about how different it is now than: "way back when". I don't remember our having anything outside of school until after we moved to Belgrave Avenue in 1938. Then the kids in the neighborhood talked about "trick or treat". As I recall, there was a lot more planning than there was participation by the general population. Decorations, none. Even pumpkins were not out at every door like we have today.
When we did find a house that had something to share with the kids, it was usually something they had around the house. Cookies, apples, oranges sometimes even a pennie. They were few and far between. I don't think we did much tricking, but some of the older boys got nasty and soaped a few windows when they didn't get something.
Costumes were made up from what we could find around the house. A lot of bums, old ladies, etc. Wouldn't have found much help in any of the stores. They just didn't do those things back then. You have to realize it was the ending of the Depression and money was not used for things that weren't useful past one wearing. We didn't miss it because it just wasn't part of the norm for the time we were kids.
I think the place I noticed the most excitement about Halloween was when I lived in Utah. They seem to go all out for it there in a very big way. Lots of houses decorate up nearly as much as they do for Christmas. String orange lights and have scenes on their lawns. More and more it seems to spread around, but it still doesn't meet the high standards here in California that it has reached in the State of Utah.
It is sad to me that something that is so Kid oriented has been turned into a time when parents have to be so careful because of a few "nut cases" that would do harm to children having such a wonderfully clean and wholesom run in the community. I am greatful for the Church and the way they have planned things that will give the kids a safe way to enjoy Halloween. Putting the Wards together to make it more fun is even better. Costumes can be such fun and they don't need masks to make them expressive of what the individual wants to pretend for the social activity. It seems to be a time when parents are ready to take the small ones out and let them
meet neighbors and have a good experience at the same time.
The little ones are so darn cute in their costumes, and so shy when they first have a Halloween.
A shame the older kids can't control their "free spirits" better. I am sorry to see so many good
pumpkins smashed in the streets, just for a lark. I guess there are some things that just have to be excused in the face of the excitement of all the activity and hipe that goes with such a time.
Anyway - Halloween has grown into quite a different time than when I was younger. I have seen it become so much more than it was "way back when". Not that I think it is all that bad, it
is just that it seems so much is crammed into so little time from the end of October till the end of December. Then it isn't something that could be changed seeings it has to do with Harvest time
and all. Nothing like the smell of Hot Apple Cider and cinnamon cookies or donuts. Of course there is bobbing for apples too.
How fortunate I am to have lived at a time when I have been able to witness the growth of things that make the life of children so enjoyable. To have been a and watched my children participate in such fun things and then set back and enjoy grand-children and now great -grand-children thrill to the excitement that Halloween brings. Just remember - too much candy isn't good for your teeth, and can keep you from feeling ready for the good food we all need to grow into healthy and happy families - because we do know that OUR FAMILY IS FOREVER! I love you each and everyone!

Writtne this 28th day of October 2009
by: Eileen C. Rosenberg

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