You know this family has been just a bit 'different' from the start. Not that any of us are 'different'. No, we have just had such an interesting background that it is worth reviewing for those who are too young to know all of these great things.
As you know, my Dad, John Charles Smith came from England at about age 7 to 9 years of age. He didn't come to a home that was all that well off so he learned how to work, and share with his Father and Step-mother. He didn't have much of an education, but was eager to learn and was an avid reader. In fact I believe one of his favorite things to do was brouse in Used Book Stores for books that he could educate himself by reading and applying the things he learned. Basically he was machanical, but he had a deep interest and love of hortaculture. I believe I have written some about that previously.
Never having much, but being able to keep himself, he had no problem asking Mom to marry him. She had had a very hard time as a child she went to work when she was just 13 years old. Her older siblings by that time had married and moved on, so she and her youngest brother had to help with the household expenses. Grandma Hall ran a boarding house, but funds didn't always meet the necessary outlay for those who were still at home.
I believe my parents were good at managing, at least we kids never felt we were poor, or that we didn't have everything we needed. Either they were great at hiding any problems the family was having, or we were fortunate that Dad was able to provide so that Mom could be at home with us. Whatever, that is just a small overview of what would come later on.
Ralph married later than Ron and I, so all of that story is kind of lost in the shuffle of our lives. Ron however had a long relationship with his wifes family. Not all of it good, I might add, but that didn't deter Ron he loved Willetta, and he was able to endure the feelings of her parents and have a fine family and a good life. Jay and I met and married with very little influence from his family. They were a very odd group. I believe the loss of the Harris household Mother when the children were so young was much of the cause of their shyness. When I would go over to the house, I would hear the scurry of Uncle Doc to the back bedroom. Jays mother was very quiet, saying little and not much interested in expanding a conversation, or relationship. Jays Dad however was entirely different. He was friendly, funny and I soon learned to love him very much. He was an excellent cook, but I believe I have expanded on that line as well, so won't get into it.
When Jay and I were celebrating our First Wedding Anniversay, we received word that Jays parents had separated. It was not a good time for any of the family, but Jay seemed to take it the hardest. It did put a strain on our relationship, but with my short patient threshold, I soon made it very plain that our marriage was what was important, and we could not get envolved in what ever it was that had caused their split. Much of it we did both know, but I will not attempt to go into it here, as I feel those things are best left untouched so far as this epistle is concerned.
Over the time Jay and I had been married, my parents had enjoyed a relationship with Jays Dad. With his being alone, it was just a friendly jesture that he was invited to the Holiday Dinners at the 'Smith' house. These times together only brought the family closer together. When 'Slim' was in the hospital for surgery, Mom and Dad would go visit and encourage him to get up and going again quickly. His last stay in the Hospital was when the accident occured that cost my Dad his life, and put Mom in the hospital for sometime. I was taking care of 'Slim' then, so we moved him in with his Daughter Auntie Afton so I could bring Mom home
to heal and adjust to widowhood.
Mother stayed with us for some time. When she felt she could go back into her home, we took her back. She found it more difficult than she had imagined so she was able to spend some time each day with Ron and Willetta then go back at night. She advanced to the place she wanted to do something more, so she went to the Pottery and applied for a job. She hadn't worked in years, but she had trained as a 'finisher' and was able to go back at that. Working was good for her. She lived close enough she could walk to work. At the time she did not drive. This brought about the offer from 'Slim' to take Mom grocery shopping then to an occasional movie, then to the Horse Races, then to Owens-Illinois functions. After about a year, he suggested they get married, but Mom said she wasn't ready for anything like that. Their 'dating' continued for another two years. Then 'Slim' asked Mom to go on vacation with him to Southern Utah to meet his family. She accepted the invitation and they drove to Cedar City and stayed in Parowan with 'Slims' baby sister. They went everywhere. If you have ever been in that part of the country you know of all the beauty that is there. They went into the Canyons for picnics. Had family dinners, and I don't know what all else. It was a great two weeks. When they were preparing to come home, all the family up there suggested they get married. They were a great couple, had had a long relationship while married then following 'Slim' and Itha divorcing and finally Dad death, they needed to get together. So 'Slim' went down to the local jeweler bought rings, the whole family loaded up and drove to Las Vegas and after the vacation, they were married.
They had 11 wonderful years together. Mom said often she wished she would have married him when he first asked her. So much for hindsight!
We often laughed and said when Jay and I said: brother or sister at our house we really ment it.
Mother Joined the Church before she and 'Slim' married. He was not active, but did start going to church, and then he filled out the papers that allowed Mom to be sealed to my Dad. They had a wonderful relationship and with the marriage it brought LaMar, Ruby and their boys into the household as well. I believe that LaMar and Ruby grew to accept and love Mom as one of their own, just as she love them.
I can't help but feel I had the better part in this, because I had two of the best Dads in the whole wide world. My own Dad was just about as great as they come, and Jays Dad was one of the nicest men I have ever known. He was good to us kids and loved the Grandkids far more than anything we saw from Jays Mother. Like I said previous, I just don't want to expand on that part of the family. Too painful, and not necessary to explore.
I just wanted those who come into this family that they had some pretty interesting connections. All were just part of the makeup that we have enjoyed and benefited by. You know, I have been blessed in so many ways with family that have and do mean so much to me. I wouldn't have wanted to lose my Dad so early in life. He was 55 and I was 23, but having lost him as I did, I am so greatful that my other Dad was there to pick up the broken pieces of Moms life and bring her such love. It of course goes without say that we too benefited greatly by their making a home together and bringing the two families into one. Blessed were and
are we for it!
Written this 30th day of October 2010
by: Eileen Rosenberg
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