In cleaning out some boxes I thought had pictures in them, I found this talk I had prepared sometime in 2002. I don't even know if I gave the talk. There is no indication on the papers that I did, or didn't. I was struck however with the content, and thought it was worth sharing with the family.
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In poverty and lacking in education, a boy, of no consequence; is stirred in his heart and soul to discover religious truth. He pays attention to the conversations between his own family members, even sought out opportunities to hear from local and itinerant ministers, hoping from their messages; answers to his questions would come. However, finding nothing but confusion in these so called 'messages', he returned once more to his Bible. Reading in the Epistle of James he found courage to go directly to the source of truth. He would find out for himself - directly.
Apparently from family training this young lad had faith and adequate knowledge to feel that an answer, that had not been forthcome from all his experiences, might be received if he braved the lonely task of simply asking the believed in 'power' personally.
So simple a solution, but never knowingly explored by anyone who truly believe in the possiblity of receiving an answer. Not a vocal youth, and timid, he sought out a private place. A place of serenity and solitude. Looking around to assure the privacy he sought, he knelt and offered his simple question: "Which is right?" So simple and yet so totally honest and sincere a suplication. No wonder Father heard. Unfortunately Satan, ever alert, heard as well. He, Satan, used all of his ways to frighten and to disallusion this lone young boy into fleeing and abondoing his quest. The boy, however, was seized and held down. It is then, frightened and fearing his life was in great danger, still assured by his faith that he could receive help in this dark moment; cried out for that help, and it was quickly given. Thick darkness gave way to light. A light that grew brighter and brighter until it surpassed any before seen by the boy. A witness in and of itself which gave the boy new hope. So, here, the first two great principles were realized: faith and hope. It is little wonder then that charity, the pure love of God, unconditional love brought peace and recognition of 'glory'.
Because the boy was of such a tender age and trained will in respect for elders it seems perfectly natural that he would remain to see and to hear what was forth coming from God and the Savior. We have no recording of the interview, only a thumbnail sketch, but from this momentous occasion the boy made a 'giant step' into the reality of truth and love which would be the foundation upon which many 'new things' would come forth until some 20 plus years, boy to man, Gospel Light would
be shed upon many so that the world could start its' final journey toward exaltation. Those who would see, might see. While those who heard, would hear. Truth cuts like a two edged sword - so not all would be healed who might, if they would but 'follow'.
Joseph Smith, Jr. a prophet, seer and revelator; spent his time wisely, learned his own lessons well, and grew in stature and spirit. He followed counsel as it was given. He knew how to keep sacred things. He would lead any of those who would follow; giving his life for those things he had both learned and taught. He earned 'Life Eternal'.
written this 21st day of November 2010
by: Eileen Rosenberg
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