Patriarchal Blessing by Elisha H. Groves upon the head of Thomas Gower, son of Thomas Gower and Catherine Cresswell. Born Stourbridge, Worcestershire, England on 23 May 1816.
Blessing given in Cedar City, Iron County, Utah Territory 3 January 1858.
Brother Thomas in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood in me invested I place my hands upon thy head to seal upon thee a Patriarchal or Fathers Blessing which shall rest upon thee and thou shalt realize the fullfillment there of. Thou has left thy native land, thy kindred and thy friends choosing to suffer affliction with the people of God rather than enjoy the _____ _____ of kin for a season which shall return unto thee many fold because of they faith and the integrity of thy heart thy sins are remitted unto thee thy name is written in the Lambs Book of Life and in as much as thou wilt continue in faith in keeping all the commandments of the Lord thy God it never will be erased there from. Thy guardian angel hath been with thee in all thy trying scenes which thou hast been called to pass. He will still be with thee and in His hands thou wilt be borne up and delivered from thy common enemy and from all thy enemies. Thou wilt be called in connection with many of thy brethern to stand in defence of the Kingdom of God upon the earth in the day of battle thou shalt be delivered and thy life shall be precious in the sight of thy Heavenly Father. Thou shalt grow in wisdom and understanding as thy years multiply that thou mayest be abel to fill any ______ or station which may be appointed unto thee. yea even the angel of vengence will be beneath thee and strengthen any nerve thy sineu that no power shall be able to - - - that was the end of the page.
Apparently this was a handwritten document, and some words were not clear to who ever made the copy that was found among some family papers. I am submitting it here for two reasons. One: to show how special these Blessings are, and they were important among the Saints back in the early days of the Church. and Two: I felt it was interesting to see that it was pronounced in Biblical Language. I am sorry we don't have the rest of the Blessing. If I find any more, I will
see that it is put on the Blog for the family to have.
Written this 27th day of August 2009
by: Eileen Rosenberg
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