Isn't that what they say when things are pretty obvious the one you have is under the control of someone or something else? I laughingly believe that is what has happened to me. This is Friday and I always get up early and put out the trash cans. Of course that means that I leave the cat (MIA) out for her morning "contitutional". Even though things were a bit wet due to the rain we had during the night, she was content to walk "gingerly about" and stay out when I was ready to come back into the house. My other normal routine is to turn on the computer, check my e-mail and then go on line to do a little with There is always plenty to keep me busy there. Usually I am on the computer an hour or two.
Now I go to the kitchen to fix me a small breakfast and of course let the cat (MIA) back in. Now this means I get a scolding because I have made her wait in the garage for what apparently has been too long a space of time. She goes, tail in the air, up the hall to her dish of food, "yowling" all the way. I take this to mean I have not treated her as she would like. (So what else is new?)
I turn to the task of fixing me some hot chocolate and toast, which is not a huge task, but just a bit too much time so far as the cat (MIA) is concerned. I once again hear her "yowling" from the hall. I step to see what it is that she is "complaining" about. She is setting in the bedroom doorway. Now, to anyone else, this would mean very little, but to me, with the expression she has on her face I realize she is summoning me for her morning "treatment". Now, don't get me wrong, I realize quickly I have created a monster. To keep her from shedding all over the house I made a game of getting her into her window bed each morning to brush her. Now the signal was, "time to make the bed". It took some time to train her to this, but finally she worked into it. When she saw me head for the bedroom, she would charge in and get up into her bed.
This is no longer the case. NOW, I get summoned, when she is READY. It use to be I picked the time. Understand me, I don't just "jump and run" when I am summoned, but I do have a great laugh over the fact she thinks she is in total control of the cituation. No, I finish making my toast and when "I am finished" I "charge" to the bedroom where I find the cat (MIA) looking out the window trying with all her might to ignore the fact "I have finally come into the room". When I start making the bed she does turn to watch, but with the air of just "moderate interest". By the time I get to the side nearest her bed things take a sudden turn. She goes into some of the most shameless twists and turns you would ever want a cat, even (MIA) go through. If I don't stop what I am doing when I go by her bed, she reaches out and smacks me with her paws. Now, I want you to know I have all the will power in the world, and do not allow such antics to stop me from finishing making the bed, no, I get the job done. (Good for me!)
I quickly return to her and pick up her brush. When I hold it up, she pushes her face into it to start the routine she so loves - getting brushed. Once, it was a fight, now it is a "demand". Not to mention she has her own time table. Bedtime is 9 pm. Brush time is 9 am. I don't know who started her clock, but she has one and it is accurate no matter what time we happen to be on. Once she has been brushed she gets down and goes to her dish to eat. Then it is back into her bed for her day long nap. Yes, she stays in that bed until about 5 pm when once again she gets up, eats, gets a drink and then comes for me to let her out. She goes out and plays for another coupel of hours. When she comes back in around 7 pm she eats, drinks and then comes and sets in my lap for about 30 minutes until she gets too warm then she stretches out a few feet from my chair and goes to sleep. If I am not ready by 9 pm to head for the bedroom, she gives me another scolding as she heads for her bed. I don't need to look at the clock, I know it is 9 pm.
I hate to admit this next part, but being honest as I am I will. No matter what time I decide to go to bed, I do brush her again. Don't you scold me too, it is just one of those things I can't not do. Like a nice hot shower makes going to sleep easier, a good brush relaxes her and she is good for the night. (I think?) At least I don't get scolded again.
In the morning she wants out about 6 am. If I am too comfortable, I snore. That usually keeps her content for a short while, but if she really wants out, I can't fake anything that will keep her quiet. NOW is what she keeps "yowling". For some peace, I eventually get out of my warm bed and let her out. The day repeats itself. Do you understand what I am saying? I need to get a life of my own. How did I ever get into this mess? Why do I continue to be caught up in this madness? Just one reason - I love the little "fluffy panted cat". Her personality keeps me entertained continually, all be it a headache on occassion. No wonder they say a pet is a great thing for the elderly to have. I even have her trained (or does she have me?) that she will let me hug her at least once everyday and give her kisses. No, not like that, I lay my head next to hers and smack away into the air. She thinks I am kissing her, and don't you dare tell her otherwise, we are doing just fine thank you.
Well, enough of this prittle prattle. You have things to do, and if I think a minute I may find something to fill time myself. The cat "MIA" is sleeping in her bed, and guess what, it isn't 9 am and she has been BRUSHED! Whee! Have a nice day! I love you!
Written this 5 day February, 2010
by: Eileen Rosenberg
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