When I look back over time, and the things I have done, I realize there is and was never enough time. We hurry up to grow up and then find out that the best of times was when we didn't have to worry about where we lived, who paid for things or why. Everyday was ours to spend in what ever way we chose. Then one day we felt "freedom" at hand. We would graduate from school and be out on our own adventure. However, soon enough we learned that came with a "price". Now we know who has to pay for the rent and buy the clothes and shoes we wear. The car and the insurance so we can keep driving. The shock of budgeting and making do or doing without comes crashing down upon our "bright little heads". Things that were taken for granted are now coming into full focus and the sight is just a bit overwhelming. Oh where, oh where did those "good old days" disappeard to?
I sometimes wonder just how I stumbled through those first days of "adulthood"? How did I find that great job that gave me the money I needed to get ahead? Oh yeah, Mrs. Lord found that for me and encouraged me to apply when I was still in High School. You will remember I had gone to work when I was 13 so had a lot of experience to put down on that application. The
Office Manager was impressed and started me at a salary that was much higher than he would have,had he known I wouldn't graduate for another week. When he found out later, he wasn't upset with me, because I had proved myself worthy, but he had to admit he wouldn't have given me that starting salary if he had of known. Guess he didn't look at my birthdate. That should have clued the old dear in.
You will remember it was at this "job" I met Jay. I have to admit that he chased me until I caught him. (He never had a chance really.) How did that happen? Well, he came to work after getting discharged from the Navy because his Dad and Uncle worked at Owens. It just so happened he was hired into the deptartment that I did payroll for. Accident, I don't think so.
During this time, there was never enough time to spend together, or get around to all the things we wanted to see and do together. A short courtship turned into a long and successful marriage.
We had our share of ups and downs. Jay was the frugal one of the family, and he didn't let me get away with anything. I remember I got a May Company Credit Card and when I went with Dot on those shopping trips to the Basement in LA I found too many "bargains" and got that card charged up to over $400.00. When the bill came in Jay informed me that I would have to pay it, I charged it, and I would have to find a way to pay for it all. He made me stand up and take responsibility for my debt. I found a part time job and paid the bill off. My working was then turned into a positive. How you ask? Well it was about the same time he decided to leave
working inside to driving a cement truck for our living. I worked to see we had Medical Insurance for the family. We became a team.
Jay took over the finances and paid all the bills and managed our retirement fund. Being an independent ment not only working for today, but setting something aside for later. Jay was great a doing that. I believe there has to be one in every couple who has that level head and can do those things. For me there never would have been enough time to do it all. Jay had the will and the way to accomplish what "we" needed.
There was never enough time for vacations. Oh, we had them, but they were short ones packed full with a great time for everyone, but not long enough for me. Then I am not sure there was or ever will be enough time to enjoy my family. The babies grew up into little independant people then into teen agers with their own agenda and finally into young adults with less and less time.
See I told you there wasn't enough time.
The clock seems to tick on, life has it's stages and changes. Age creeps along, and before you know it those little kids who climbed into your lap for a cuddle are too big to fit anymore or have a need for such things. That is the way life is. When your young you never believe you will be old enough soon enough to have what you see everyone older having. Too soon that has come and dashed away before you really had time to get a real fix on how to enjoy it. That old idea, "If only I had". When it finally does get here, we are usually so busy looking forward to something else we miss most of the time in what we thought we wanted. Silly huh?
Happens to all of us. In this hurry up and miss it stages we go through we could very easily miss the one thing that will bring our life into "one great whole". There is where I miss Jay the most I guess. He always seemed to know when to slow down and take advantage of the time at hand. He took the time to do things "right". He kept our home repaired and ready to meet the needs our family would have. He managed the affairs of the house so his family would be cared for if something should happen to him. I believe that came from seeing his Aunt left with 3 children and no Insurance when her husband suddenly passed away. He didn't want his family left in such a condition. Purhaps that is one of the things we all should stop and take a look at. How do others fair in times of trial. What is it we can do to help avoid those problems. I can't say Jay got it from the sound teachings we have in the Church, because his family weren't active, but they certainly had some experiences that left deep impressions on Jay that gave him the understanding needed for his own family.
Being from the "depression era" there were a lot of those lessons that todays young adults have not had to go through. This may make things harder for them when they are left to their own
living. I can't say I envy them. Everyone needs to have solid ground on which to build. I have had to learn how to do since I am alone. It has been a great experience for me. I wasn't sure I could manage as well, but I have been able to make in roads into my future. There are still a great many things I will have to decide by myself. They don't scare me like they once did. Once I set my mind to it, I seem to be able to forge ahead and get things done. If my physical ability was still as keen as my mind, I could do much more. Oh well, one learns along the way they can't do everything. One thing I do know, I take the time now to enjoy. I love driving my car. It is a sign of my independence. I enjoy visiting with my friends. They are thinning out, but I don't want to miss any opportunity I can to talk with them on the phone or visit when it is possible.
Learn how to use time wisely and well. Learn how to enjoy things when they are happening. Don't brush things aside because, you don't think you have time for them. Follow President Kimball's advice "do it" and best "do it now". Opportunity, it is said, only knocks once. I believe most of the time it knocks quietly. You have to be listening or you could miss it.
Learn to enjoy walking in the rain and feeling the sun's warmth on your back. See the beauty around you everyday. Set and stand up tall that way you won't miss what is happening around you. Don't, like so many youth I see today, drop your head like there is nothing worth seeing. We are fortunate in having so much beauty around us everyday, rain or shine. I remember one of the projects we did for Brownie Scouts. Find any spot about one foot square and just stare at it for about 5 minutes. There is so much going on it will amaze you.
There will never be enough time to love those dear to you. There is never enough time to enjoy a friendship. There will never be enough time to spend with the one you love the most. Don't let the business of business cut into your time. We always seem to "make" time for what we really "want to do". Best "make time" for the really important things in life. Good relationships. Be or becoming a great partner in a lasting relationship. Never miss an opportunity to share the ups or downs with those you love. Being there in the tough times is just as rewarding as when things are great and you are having the best time of your life. Too soon those will be gone as well, and you will never have time to recapture those special moments. Trust me, I know!
You have taken this time to be with me, and I thank you for that. I have enjoyed being here with you and know time and space will never take away from what we have together. That is our Love, and the time we have spent together. God Bless You -
Written this 18th day of February 2010
by:Eileen Rosenberg
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