I woke up this morning thinking about things that really touch me, or make me happy. Thought it might make an interesting "ramble". These may not be all such things, but I will jot them down as they come to mind.
The very best one I believe is the smell of a freshly bathed baby. There is nothing in the world quite as wonderful. Witnessing a young mother with her first born - shear delight. Watching a dad watch over a young son as he participates in an early sports career. Experiencing the first moments in a marriage, followed by years of ups and downs that meld the relationship into a lasting love affair. Watching a daughter grow into womanhood. Allowing a son to spread his wings and grow in many directions. Having pride in a husbands growth in his profession, and the courage to take off in an untried direction. Being inspired by someone who has learned so much about a subject and then can impart that knowledge to me. Learning something new. Taking a trip, anywhere. Flying pre 911-2001. Getting aboard a train and "enjoying the ride". Eating dinner with friends. Breakfast my favorite meal to eat out. Swimming. Water skiing - when I was younger. Camping. Cooking over a campfire. Planning for some future event - love having the freedom to learn everything I can to make it enjoyable and memorable. A drink of water.
A piece of chocolate cake. A glass of cold milk. Flannel Sheets on my bed in the winter time. Sheets dried on the clothes lines in the sunshine. A walk in the mountains. A walk on the beach. A telephone call from a friend I haven't heard from in awhile. Doing anything the best that I can. Reading, especially the Scriptures and Church History. Being with family members. Spending time with grand children. Learning more about my great grand children. Taking old age in stride, we all have to you know. Certain movies like Pride and Predjudice, Random Harvest, Casablanca, The Court Jester to name a few. Driving my car - I shall miss it when I can't do it anymore. Walking through any store just for the exercise. Trips to the May Company Basement in Los Angeles with Dot. Having Ron find us and tell us to "get out". (it was time to go home.) Firesides in the Johnson's large living room in Pico Rivera. Senior Aaronic Socials at the Bixby's home. Girls Camp when I was younger and leading the girls was fun. Teaching Early Morning Seminary. Attending Institute. Spending all day at Know Your Religion at LA Community College. Taking Mom on vacations. Preparing and serving a Mission with Jay in Salt Lake City 1991-1992. Preparing and serving a Mission by myself in Salt Lake City 2003-2006. Going on a Temple hopping trip with Missionary Friends 2006. Keeping the USS LSM 330 "family" in contact with each other since 1990. Attending "330 Family" reunions all over the United States from 1987 - 2002. Doing the Sunday Bulletin for the Mission Branch for 3 years. Attending the Temple. Being in the Session when my Grand Daughters were Endowed"
Having Greg as a "second son". Having room in my heart and home for "Rock" and a number of my childrens friends over the years. Decorating the Bank of America in Anaheim for Halloween
and winning the City prize. Working with the Brownies and Junior Scouts in Pico Rivera. Being on the Scout Committee when Paul was a Scout in Pico Rivera. Having a Testimony of the Gospel. Loving Jay. Having some great pets. Walking with my Dad when I was a kid. Just watching while my Dad did anything. Watching Mom cook. Eating Mom's donuts and pies. Riding in Ralph's convertible. Writting to my brothers when they were in the service. Writting to Jay when he was in the service. Writting to Paul when he was in England. Pauls Red Blazer and Red Sox. Christmas when the kids were small. Easter when the kids were small. Vacations when we had the camper and boat. Beach Parties with roasted weiners and marshmellos. Watching GW jump high to catch a pass in the end zone. Watching Nemiha play soccer. Taking Shayla to her diving lessons. Helping Keara get things together for her first apartment. Doing things with Uncle Bill and Aunt Clara. Writting to Aunt Naomi. Spending time with my Grand father Charlie. Living so close to High School in Huntington Park. Life Guarding at the HPHS Plunge. Playing Tennis on the HPHS Courts across the street from our house. My Sister-in-law Willetta. Ronalds red bicycle. My Ice Boot Roller Skates. Going to the Skating Rink with Ralph.
The Clock Drive-In. Malts at Coast Ice Cream Parlor. Dill Pickles. Saturday Matinees at the Movies in HP. Sneak Previews at the Movies. Singing with Mr Burdick directing. Science class with Mr. Smith. Finance Office at HPHS with Homer Williams. Classes with Pheobe Hurst Hill.
Remembering the Knoff Sisters Mary and Alice outstanding teachers. Accounting with Mrs. Lord. Our rabbitts Jasper and Penelope. My Table with 2 chairs brought from the East. Lux Radio Theatre. Bob Hope Radio. The Lone Ranger. Our home on Belgrave in HP. Jay's 1941 Chev. Campfire Girls. Shopping on Pacific Blvd in HP. Chicken Pies. Thrifty's Ice Cream. Chen Yeu Nail Polish. My Dad's wrestling and boxing friends. Forest Lawn in Glendale. Easter Sunrise Services. Pasadena Rose Parade. Chistmas Tree Lane in Pasadena. My Mom and Dad.
This should do it for now. Probably doesn't mean anything to anyone else, but it certainly means a lot to me.
Written this 16th day of February 2010
by: Eileen C. Rosenberg
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