Never really sure just how much I have told on any given subject, so here is a thought that struck me this morning. Swimming is such a wonderful thing. A shame that everyone hasn't learned, or been able to enjoy it. The fear of water can be a pretty terrifiying thing. I know, I have had experience with helping people over come it.
Life Saving was part of my youth. I was fortunate enough to be hired at the Huntington Park High School Plunge for a number of summers. There was time in between swimming sessions for the life guards to have the pool all to themselves. It was during one of these times I had the opporutnity to wear one of the first pair of swim fins. They were rather expensive, and something way beyond my personal means, but one of the other life guards, who was older had a pair, let me try them out. Man I could get across the pool in half the time. It was great.
It isn't however about such things I am inspired to write about. No it was about regular gym class swimming that caught my thoughts. I was called upon during most of these classes to guard, or teach. I loved teaching but on the one occassion that came to mind was a day when I was guarding in the deep end of the pool that an incident happened. Normally I would have been holding a diving class at the very back of the deep end, but this day I was at one of the sides observing the more experienced swimmers using the deeper water to try their skills. Out of the side of my view I caught a great deal of splashing going on in the shallow end. I heard the teacher yelling at one of the students she was instructing. It didn't take long to realize the student was in destress. I took a running start and dove into the water and swam to the area. Two of the other guards had also hit the water shortly after I had. When I reached the girl, I grabbed her and took her to the side of the pool. I was barely 5 feet tall, the girl I 'saved' was around 5' 6" tall in 4' of water. Panic, sheer panic had caused her to nearly drown. The teacher pulled her out of the water and began giving her first aid. The three guards just stood there in 4' of water stunned at what had just happened.
Yes, people can drown in shallow water if they haven't the presence of mind to 'put their feet down'. That thought had never occured to me. One would naturally think you would put your feet down, stand up and get your bearings. Not the case. A girl who had, just a short time before, been standing safe and sound in 4' of water paniced when she got some water in her mouth and nose. Scarey to think of such a thing. It happens.
It pays to be aware of things around you when you are swimming, or just playing in water. You never know when someone might just lose their bearing and forget where they are. In panic, we can do some pretty weird things. Keep your wits about you, be careful, you could save yourself or even someone else. It doesn't take much to assist someone who has lost their confidence. Because in such panic mode however, a person can become dangerous to others. As life guards we learned a towel was a great aid in pulling someone free of their panic and stress. Other times we found a pole reaching further was helpful. Never, I say, never let a person who is paniced in the water get a grip on you. They can drown you trying to save themselves and both are lost.
There is nothing more fun, or refreshing than swimming or playing in the pool. Best, however, to be aware that danger can appear. Be alert, careful and willing to assist another, but not at the risk of your own safety. I am so happy my family loves to swim and learned at a very early age. Others may not have been as well trained - enjoy, but be careful!
Written this 11th day of June 2010
by: Eileen Rosenberg
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