Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Keara

This morning I decided I would take the time to tell you just how special you are to me. I believe I have written a special Blog to you before, but this one is ment to celebrate your birthday today!

I know you are busy getting your new lawn in, at your new home. I am excited for you because I realize just how much this will mean to you and the entire family. Beside making the new place a bit jazzier. Things are coming together nicely. Everything seems to take so much time and of course money. The nature of things.

As we get older Birthdays seem to become far less important, so far as celebrating goes, but it is always nice to be remembered. It doesn't take flowers, or packages to make us feel that way. It is the many little things people do that help us feel like all the things we do everyday are really appreciated. Funny how we seem to forget that. I guess this is a wake up call for each of us to remember that the everyday things are what bring us to remember on one day each year. What would we do without "each other"?

We teach that "Families are Forever", with that in mind we should be making everyday just a bit better than the last for each other. It doesn't take much time to pick up after ourselves, or to say a simple "thank you" or "excuse me". Manners are not a thing of the past, I believe they are something for "forever". I am sure the Master will appreciate our acknowledging what HE has done for us. Then we should remember what is done for us each day so we are well groomed into paying that kind of appreciation to HIM.

You have been a bright spot in our lives Keara. You know how much your Grand Father thought of you, and how much he loved you. He loved spending time with you, just as I do. Yesterday was such a simple visit, but I enjoyed it long hours after I had returned home. Your thoughtfulness in getting my Blog "dressier". I love it even more now. It has been such fun to put down the many things I have remembered. I hope all your efforts in getting it laid out for me have been worth your trouble. What would we have ever done without you? I am glad I didn't have to experience life without knowing.

I hope you will have a "special day" and that those around you will try just a little harder today to make your Birthday nice and memorable. Your not getting older, you are becoming more dear and lovely everyday.

I love you - Grandma Rosenberg
Written this 6th day of June, 2009

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