I haven't written to you - not a special Blog. I think it is time I did.
It seems like only yesterday that we welcomed you into the family. Such is the way things go in life. Time passes so swiftly, and things happen fast. Our children grow up and then our grand children seem to get taller, and lovely, or handsome before we realize that time has marched on.
I am not sure just how that all happens, I just know it gives us time to reflect back on the things
that have brought us to TODAY!
There were a number of us setting in that waiting room in the hospital. Just waiting to find out that you had arrived, and you were o.k. When we were allowed to come into the room, you were still there. They took you away and cleaned you up and brought you back so we could get a real good look. This was the beginning of our getting to know you.
Your parents were still building the house on Laurel Road at the time. So much was happening.
I am not sure just how your Dad did everything beside work a full shift every night. He was a great example. By the time you came Keara was 10 years old. A great help to your mother I am sure. You probably got to know her better than anyone else in the house. Maybe that is why you have the connection you have today.
When I would come over to spend time, you were so easy to put to sleep. I would walk with you and whisper noises into your ear. You stared at me and before we knew it, you were out like a light. I believe it was because you got tired of trying to make out what I was saying, which was really nothing at all. Each of you grand children hold a special place in your Grand Father and my heart. Thank you for coming into our lives.
You have always been the quiet one. Our reader. The one we loved to watch as you made your own play. The really noticable time was when your family went to the Los Angeles Temple to be sealed. While they were taking pictures out on the steps of the Temple, you amuzed yourself by walking up and down the stairs. I believe you have a picture of that time. It was the favorite one I had of you.
I remember when I took you to your diving lessons. We talked going and coming. It was such fun for me. I am not sure just how it was for you. One on one time with a grand child is so very special. Not enough of it can be had either!
I appreciated your visits when I was in the Mission in Salt Lake City. My first meeting with Curtis too. It was fun to see you and learn what you were doing and how things were going in your life at the time. I felt pretty isolated while I was there. Guess most Missionaries do.
It was a very special privilege to be with you when you received your Endowments in the
St George Temple. To be able to give you a little advice before you entered the Temple so you could relax and enjoy the experience. How greatful I was when they asked Keara and Jeremiah to take their place as witnesses. That ment all of your lovely family members were setting there with you . How very special that was.
The Thanksgiving I was invited to the Farley home. I had such a great day with you and Jenene cooking and setting up for the crowd that came. Nice to see the two of you working together. A
very special bond was being formed. I know you have appreciated that.
I have been so proud of you and Curtis. You have struck out on your own. Left the comfort of family and friends to make a new life, as Curtis has launched forward in a new career. It has been so inspiring to me. Not a lot of kids would be so daring. All in all it seems to have been a great adventure. Trying at times I am sure, but worth the effort in so many ways.
Uncle Paul and I have enjoyed our visits, and hope we will be able to make a few more before our traveling days will be over. Your home is so comfortable and welcoming. It is a pleasure to come and spend the time with you. Of course we think Rufus is such a neat addition to the family. He welcomes us and lets us know we are a happy addition to his life as well. Guess we will have to keep the "chew sticks" coming.
Each of our Grand Children have added so much to our lives. I would not wanted to have lived a life without them. The old saying, if I would have know how great my Grand Children would be, I would have started with them first. Lucky for us life isn't that way. We learn to enjoy our Grand Children because of the time we have had with our Children. For me both experiences have given much to me personally.
They tell us we will pass in this life but once. There are days I am so greatful for that, but when it comes to the four of you Special Additions, I would live the days I have had with you over many times. Thanks for adding so much to our lives, and making our family Complete.
I love you Shayla more than I can ever tell you. Grandma Rosenberg
Written this 6th day of June 2009
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