Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring has Sprung, can Summer be far behind?

It simply amazes me how everything sheds leaves, and green in the fall, then when the rains and cold seem to be past, here comes the new green and growth that makes Spring such a wonder. I look out my window and see the roses that I cut "way back" at the first of the year now full and starting to blossom. The yard will soon be a show place again, and the fragrance will be enough to "knock your sox off". Nature certainly nows how to put on a show!
I enjoy the sights and the wonder of it all. What a blessing to be able to enjoy it. I can see the lovely blue sky with those puffy clouds I so love, the freshness of the air and the glory of the change that is taking place all around, it's magnificent. I look forward to the many colors that will soon start showing in and around the neighborhood. The sound of the kids going and returning from school. The birds are flying making their nests and sounding out their song for everyone to hear. I especially enjoy the wild canaries that seem to show up every year and of course those busy humming birds that flit in and around the many blossoms the yard produces.
Spring with all it's wonders is soon followed by the heat and challenges of Summer. When I was a kid, I use to look forward to the time when we would be out of school and be able to play all day with friends. Now that I am "ancient" in age, I don't really enjoy the heat as much. Once I would rejoice in the opportunity to go to the beach, but now the sand is too much to cope with. The surf is "dirty" and not the least bit inviting. Years ago, none of that mattered. We would take our picnic and go to the coast to enjoy the day of cool breezes and a spash in the "blue Pacific". Once I use to love to go swimming. Now I avoid even the thought. Like the whale that would love to hide. The best way at my age is to stay our of a bathing suit. Who needs that kind of "sight"?
Never the less I do love seeing the young people having fun doing all of those things that once I too enjoyed. Age does not dim the memories of such good times. Picnics, running and playing even the simplist games with cherished friends. Getting together with family for the day and doing whatever fancy you might have at the moment. Bar-B-Ques with "burnt" hot dogs to which we add relish, mustard and lots of onions. Oh my! Of course it is much improved if we have a large scoope of Dawn's Potato Salad to stuff in our face as well. Good times are few and far between it seems. Never the less the thought of the time and the things that might come along still tickle the tought process and make one greatful they have survived another Winter to have another Spring and Summer to revel in.
Once I was a young and slender thing that took advantage of all the things this time of year has to offer. Now a slow, portly and grey haired old doll, I enjoy setting quietly and watch the rest of the family doing what they enjoy. You would be amazed at how much pleasure that brings. The smallest ones seem to be totally unaware of the marvel it all is. The teenagers seem to take it all in stride. The young adults are ever fussing with their outfits, hair and surroundings. Then we find the young parents eager to help their little ones learn new skills. Grand Parents usually are busy making things comfortable for their families and the Great Grands are content to be observers. How fortunate the family has all the ages to enjoy the same things. If they are the least bit curious they would see how life, at it's various stages has a great deal to offer anyone.
Enjoy the time, enjoy the people and most of all enjoy the blessings such things bring into life. No one really misses out. We take what we can from each experience and relish it. The trick is to not miss a thing in the passing. Life has so many wonderful stages, and each one has so much to offer. One does not miss out because they can't do what others do, they miss out only when they are not eager to take from each stage the blessing it affords. I can't run, but I can delight in those who can. Not being able to do what others can do is not "awful", it is the time we are alotted to glean from those who are able to do it. Of course, I never was good at hitting a ball, but that doesn't stop me from cheering for those who can, and do. In fact I think watching my Grand Children and now my Great Grand Children excelling in things is a greater pleasure than anything I accomplished myself.
Take from this life what it has to offer, when it is offered. Don't complain about what you can no longer do, but look to the ones who are now doing it, and enjoy their accomplishments. Particularly let them know how proud you are of their effort and how much seeing them being good at what they do means to you. These days come and go so quickly, at times it appears that life has flown and how that happened is amazing in itself. Once I was young, now I am, well we won't go there. Just know that I am greatful for every stage of life. Being slower, older or even a bit forgetful isn't all that bad when I realize I had my day, and now it is time to let those who can, do. They seem to be so good at it.
The sun is shining, the birds are flitting by the window and I am setting here at this one eyed monster clicking away on these keys as if I had something of real value to share. You be the judge. I love you all - Bless you in all you do.

Written this 15th day of April 2010
by: Eileen Rosenberg

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