I guess just about everyone has at one time or another. For me it has been, over the past 50 some years: "why me?". Of all the people who have been born into this world, why was I lucky enough to be born in this Country. Why was I able to move from Ohio to California and meet a native of the State, by some giant coincidence, the only one in his family not born in Utah. Making the miracle that could find my 'eternal future'? Why?
My Dad was born in England and my Mother the only one in her family born in Iowa. Why was that? How was it, that they happened to meet on a blind date in Ohio? So many questions, and yet such interesting happenings that brought everyone together at just the right time and in the very place that all these 'happenings' could happen!
In doing our Family History, I have found that through my Maternal Lines we have a number of ancestors who came over on the Mayflower and were signers on the Mayflower Compact. That is pretty interesting stuff. I sort of thought that curious; seeings I believed some of the Grand Parents may have come from France, but I have not varified that bit of information so far.
What a slim possiblity to have more than one member on any Ancestrial Line who could be traced back to such a Historical Event. Only recently I had read about the trip from England by those on the Mayflower and how they were bound for the Virginia Colony. There they felt they would be entering in with settlers who had established a government and were organized successfully. However, a storm blew them over 800 miles North of their desired landing site. When they realized this they quickly organized themselves and wrote the 'Mayflower Compact'. This would be their govenment and bind them together. They did not set foot on land until they were sure they could work together in difficulty and prosperity.
Imagine their surprise when they did land and found a lone man from a tribe of Indians, the sole survivor it turned out. The biggest surprise, he greeted them in their own language. I just learned today that this Indian had been captured and taken as a prisoner to England where he had learned the English language and had found his way back home, only to learn his entire tribe has been wiped out by a plague.
That may not seem like so much of a 'big thing' to most, but to me it opened avenues of thought I had not had before. Here were some of my own ancestors who had left their homes, under went a great challenge to travel by sea to a land they knew nothing about. When they were met with the problem of being miles from where they had planned to be, they quickly made sure they could be successful once they started a Colony in this 'wilderness'. There awaited them someone who could help them in so many ways. Point out where to make their first settlement. How to get water and food. How to find the things they would need to help with these first important challenges. (What kind of a blessing was that?)
The Virginia Colony had nearly starved to death before they recieved help from a ship that was bringing more settlers. They had lost most of their original group in their struggles. Had these Mayflower Pilgrims made it to Virginia they would have had a great deal more to face than they found in the uncharted place they actually came to. Think about it. So many whys?
The Lord knows each of us, He knows what is good for us. It is his Plan and His desire for each of us to be 'happy' to be 'successful' and to accomplish all that is in our power to accomplish. We know that nothing can come from nothing, so it should be no surprise to learn that from the tiniest of steps things are moved forward, or as the Scriptures tell us, weakness is what brings forth great strength.
My lines could have brought me almost any place, but it was not ment to bring me just 'any place'. It was ment to bring me 'in time' and to THE 'place' where I too might accomplish all that I am ment to be and to accomplish. It was not by accident, but by a 'devine design'. Something that I had not given a thought to before. What a revelation! When we are told in the Scirptures that He knows even when a Sparrow falls, or that He has 'dressed' a Lilly fairer than - -, well that should open our eyes to just how special each of us really are.
Today we hear of people who suffer from 'depression' and lack any faith in themselves. It brings to mind some things I have heard over the years. "If you knew who you really were, you would be amazed". Well, I don't know, but I am beginning to realize that the depth of me and the bredth of me is far more than I had given thought to and am just now seeing that it took a great deal to bring me here, and I should be more sure of where I wind up. I have, for a long time, had a strong testimony, but as I set here now and write about this new 'revelation' gleaned from reading and a TV program, I am inspired!
Another question, why now? At such an advanced age, why am I given such an insight as to 'how I got to where I am'. I may not know this side of 'eternity', but I am happy to realize that those who made my journey possible in the way it has played out, are finally revealed to me. No longer just characters in a book, or names on a Pedigree Chart. They are real, and have been guided in THEIR lives, as I know I have been in MINE. If we had been 'valiant' in pre-earth life, we earned a place in the 'Saturday Night' of time. We are not an accident that had waited generations to happen. No, we are where we earned our right to be. Others have gone before who laid out a way for us, ME, to 'full fill our destiny'.
Which brings us to the BIG question: "what am I doing to full fill it?"
Looking back, I can see I made a few right choices, but also see a number of choices I am not at all happy about making. I guess we will all have some of those. The time that remains must be used more wisely and put to more valueable endeavors. Maybe there will be someone down MY line who will need a similar inspiration to help them 'get along'. No wonder we are encouraged to look after our ancestors, to gather their names and submit them to the Temples to have their work completed. We are one BIG FAMILY and need to be joined together.
I have long been aware that those for whom we do their work, will be waiting to greet us as we cross over into immortality. I have had a number of experiences doing the work to know when they accept what is being done for them. How much more eager will I be, to thank those who made: "My Turn On Earth" possible. I am aware of them, and by name. How wonderful!
Written this 18th day of August 2010
by: Eileen Rosenberg
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