Keara was about 9 when Granny passed away, so she may not remember the times when Granny would come for visits. I don't even remember how old Keara was at the time. I only know that Keara was a whiz at the game of Uno. As I recall she was tiny enough not to need a chair to set at the Coffee Table and play the game, with who ever she might 'con' into playing with her. Granny, of course, was always a push over. Keara would naturally win the game with Granny chuckling that she couldn't possible win because Keara 'cheated'.
I tried playing with her too, and I could only claim my own inability to master the game to the fact the 'kid' has 'cheated! This would bring on a disclaimer from Keara. She didn't have to cheat, she was JUST THAT GOOD!
Granny loved her Great Grand Children. I think her visits with the Slane Family were some of her most choice times. There were always a great many things to do with the children, and she never seemed to tire of spending quality time with them. Before she would head out for her visits, she always looked forward to playing games with the 'kids'. For a long time of course that was Keara, but as the other children came along she enjoyed them as well.
Granny passed away the August before Shayla was born in March. That would have been when Gower was about 4 and Nemiha about 1 year old. I can hardly believe it has been that long ago. Time seems to fly by and without taking the time to think on things that have brought such joy into our lives, we forget about how 'long ago' that really had been.
I don't imagine Keara plays much Uno these days, but I am sure her children have learned the game, and with her expertise', she certainly has taught them well how to master the game.
I guess that is one thing the Slane Family has always been good at is playing games. Something that seems to have been passed down to the extended family as the years have 'rolled by'. How fortunate to have had those times to remember when the generations have been able to join in something that would bring closeness and enjoyment at the same time. I don't recall so many games being available when we were kids, but we did have Checkers and Dominos early on. Then of course came Chinese Checkers and Monopoly. We did play a lot of Monopoly. We played some card games as well. I remember hours of Solitaire and Fish. I was never really good at any of the other card games. Not enough concentration. That seemed to be my problem. I just couldn't follow the cards.
That may have been the secret of Kearas' success. She could remember what had been played and managed her cards well, but she was so young, one would wonder how she developed such a talent. It matters not, we had such fun being beat by her that the 'how' never dulled the fact 'she did' and 'she could' beat us so badly!
If you don't remember that Keara - sorry, because we did have such great times. Granny, Keara and Grandma "R".
Written this 21st day of August 2010
by: Eileen Rosenberg
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