I guess it takes growing older to think about such things. Like the world, there is no beginning and no end. However we tend to think in our own space, and so it is with this. Our Family has grown quite remarkably I believe. I won't concider the amount of people in the background who have been instrumental in getting us here, but only from where We began. By that I mean Jay and myself.
It has always facinated me that all the Smith Kids born in Ohio and moving to California married "prune pickers" or mates who were all born in California. Who knew? Then in my case who could have guess that a family move from Utah would be the reason that Jay was the only one in his family who WAS born in California. Small things that made big differences.
I have written previously about our meeting and getting married, so that wouldn't fit here, but it is the reason for the "posting". We were young, hardly prepared for parenting, but then, as I scan life, I don't believe anyone is really ready for the job. One thing becomes very clear, very quickly, it is a "forever" job. Once you become a parent, you will always be, just that! The kids never grow too big for a parent to be concerned, or interested in what happens. Well for most parents. I suppose there are exceptions, but they are not the norm.
Speaking as a mother, the marvel of being responsible for something so fabulous as the small person who has been created within is awesome. A word I don't use too often. Just looking at those features, the tiny fingers and toes, the cute little nose, well, you get the idea. How great is the fact such a wonder can be created from two people who meet, choose to join in a relationship that is remarkable in itself.
Babies seem to come with their own "purse" with no script included. How does the finance work out? I have no clue. I only know that the ability to care for them, seems to be a natural thing with most families. It doesn't necesarily mean there is an increase in finances, just that the amount of sacrifice that is needed always seems to come without a great deal of trouble. It just seems to be a part of the job of parenting.
I cannot imagine life without either of my children. They are both different in their own way, and yet they are such a great part of their Dad and myself. The love needed just seems to be present without the slightest ripple or change in everyday life. How does that happen? I have no idea, it just does. I guess when God put this plan together He thought it through to the point that instant change was natural when it came to becoming parents. One day you are two and then suddenly you are "added upon". It is even more wonderful when the time comes to become Grandparents. As I look back over the past years, I cannot remember a time when each of the Grand Children weren't part of our lives, and yet, a life time was lived before they came upon the scene.
Now at the age I am I have the wonder of enjoying the entrance into my life of Great Grand Children. What did I ever do without them? They add so much to life, and the joy of seeing them grow and learn and become is just as exciting. How could it all happen so quickly? I don't know, but I am so greatful for the wonder of it all. As parents we stand back and watch our children grow, develope and learn, much as we did. Too soon, in most cases, they find someone that they want to be with, and their family begins. Where does the time go? We all come into
this world totally helpless and dependant. Parents are there to help us along lifes way.
I am greatful for the opportunities I had to be a parent to my children. I am not unaware of the fact I made mistakes along the way, but appreciate the fact none were so drastic as to curb my children from growing into great adults.
I know, or have learned, that I Am A Child Of God. My "turn on earth" has allowed me to witness the beginning of a number of other of God's children have their turn as well. Having been given such blessings as children, grand children and now great grand children has truly made this journey worth the effort it has taken to get me this far. How choice a family is. We sometimes think it is just coincidence, but I am beginning to believe that we do have a great deal of choice in everything that happens. Just how this all works, I am not at all sure, but I do believe we are where we are ment to be. So I have to thank each of you for coming into my life. For extending to me your love. I don't know what I would do without any of you. Your
so special.
To my Children, thanks for putting up with me. To my Grand Children, you will never know the joy you have brought me. Thank you for adding such wonderful Grand Children-in-law for me.
To the Great Grand Children, etc. You have been more than I could have hoped for. I pray you will always be able to fill your dreams to the fullest. I leave you my blessing and love for time and for all eternity.
Written this 7th day of December 2009
by: Eileen C. Rosenberg
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