Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why a Senior Mission?

You know I didn't give that much thought until friends of mine were called to go to Salt Lake and serve in the Family History Library. Some how that got me thinking, and before I knew it I wanted to go too. My only problem was Jay wasn't the least bit interested. He wasn't sure he could contribute. After some talking, I called Salt Lake and talked to the Mission Staff about what they needed. They advised me to come up and see. We did just that. After a tour of the work areas and seeing what was done in the Mission, Jay seemed to weaken. I am not sure he was all that sure when we put our papers in, but he was a good sport and turned his talents toward getting us ready.
He got pneumonia just before we were to leave, and was very ill. He insisted that we still report on time. At the last minute friends stepped forward to take our things up, and I drove Jay and myself. When we arrived in Salt Lake, we put Jay to bed in the Apartment of a friend, while the rest helped me move our things into our Apartment.
We weren't there for long when the Mission President called us into his Office to have a talk. He asked Jay how he was doing. Jay told him he was trying to get on top of things, but just not able to make the Devotionals in the early mornings. It was November with snow, and the early hour with the cold made things pretty difficult for Jay. His only request to the President was: "just don't send us home". To which the Mission President replied: "that is exactly what I will do if you don't get feeling better. Your health is more important."
Within a week we decided to take Jay up to the LDS Hospital where he saw a rather unlikely looking ER Doctor. One look, and he told Jay he was being treated for a bacterial infection when what he really had was a viral infection. He change the Rx Jay was on and within the first four hours of taking the new medication, Jays condition made a marked turn around. We had found
the answer. Jays health improved. A transfer from Indexing to the Bindery in the Library rounded out a wonderful experience for Jay. He was able to repair his ancient leather bound Bible, which was in great condtion except for the cover and the metal fasteners. Jay had not served a Mission when he was younger, and this was a perfect way for him to have that great experience.
He enjoyed the companionship of the other men his age who had also served in WWII. They had many wonderful hours of sharing their experiences and learning new talents. I suppose a Call to Serve when one is older won't fit into every persons life, but I am most greatful that we were able to Serve together. One side blessing to our time was having Dawn and Greg come to Salt Lake for our Wedding Anniversary and assist us in joining Jay and his family eternally. He
hadn't been able to take care of that before, and it was a very special time for the entire family.
Jay always had such a sence of humor. It was at this same time that TV Commercials were more "catchey". Jay had picked up on: "have you any Grey PoPon Mustard?" As we stood on the door step of our Apartment when the Slanes were driving away, after their visit, the Grand kids rolled down their car window and yelled at their Grandfather: "have you any Grey PoPon?" He got the biggest kick out of that. One of those magical moments that stayed with him.
Aren't families GREAT? Jay sure thought so!

Written this 23rd day of December 2009
by: Eileen C. Rosenberg

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