Saturday, February 7, 2009

As the Sands of the Sea

After setting at this computer for over a week now, I begin to understand just
what the LORD ment when he told Abraham he would have a posterity as
the sands of the sea. In doing genealogy, I learned, if we could trace our
line back 13 generations there would be a common ancester for all of us.
I have been fortunate to get back seven generatioins on some of the lines
and am amazed at just how many people that turns into. Lets think about
it! For each of us to be here, it has taken 4 people to accomplish. If you
mulitply each of those 4 the numbers begin to grow at a rapid rate.
On the 7th generation most of us will reach the 1500's and the Church will
not accept any information beyond that date. The reason, the records are
so hard to find, or read, that it takes very intense research to locate a true
This is awesome work. If we were able to gather everyone that has been, or
has had even the slightest part in our being here, well, it is beyond my thoughts,
or ability to appreciate.
For so many generations it has been the belief that this work was for the old
folks to do. However, as I see it, with the scope of what is before us, it will
take everyone who is now living to make sure that those who made it possible
for us to be here are found and placed in their proper order. It is no wonder
that the LORD has warned us that without our Ancestors we cannot be saved.
It is the linking of each generation that will make it possible for us to be an
Eternal Family. Will some be dropped from the line? Of course, but not by
being left out of our research. Those who choose to follow a different path or
life style, will of their own choice be dropped as a link in the Eternal Chain.
It is not our place to leave anyone out.
The work of gathering is not only in Jerusalem, but here in our own place as
we strive to bring our family together and join it in the beautiful expression of
our Saviors love - baptism, confirmation, initiatory, endowment and sealing.
It at times seems a daunting task, but with the new programs and the various
research capabilities available to us in this day, we should not shurk what is
ours to do.
As I gain the benefit of those who have worked so hard to bring their Family
together and find how each of those link up with mine, I am greatful for all
that has been sacraficed to help me along the path. By no means am I in
anyway finished. There are more that need to be found. Time is running out.
Many are being stubborn about being found, but with what I have been able
to gather, they will eventually have to come into the knowledge of someone
who is working as am I to get the work as finished as is possible.
One hope is that when we hit one of those "brick walls" that keep us from
going on, during the Millenium one of the family will be worthy enough to be
given the keys of the resurrection and bring forth that one soul that has the
link we need to go beyond the block. There is hope and help. We need the
courage to continue and the will to think how best to use our time and our
talents in doing the work. As new records are coming forth daily, we are in
a better position to find those who need to be found, and yes want to be found
so they may have their work done. It puts a great demand on our time.
I recall a conversation I had with a friend a few hours before he passed away.
He asked if I could check on his parents, he knew he had done their
endowments but was not sure they had been sealed. He knew it was a short
time until he would be with them and he didn't want to explain to them why he
had not finished their work. Fortunately computers had come to the Center.
I went over and found that their work had been done. I called him on the phone
and told him he had accomplished the work. He was so relieved. He passed
away the next day.
I pray that I too will be able to join my family on the other side and report that
I have done all that I could do, and left the remaining work in good hands to
be completed. I know I cannot be the one to do it all. What I CAN do is my
responsibility TO DO. As the scriptures tell us: "he that hath ear, let him hear.
he that hath an eye let him see." As it is written, so shall it be.
With my love - and in Jesus Name, Amen.
Written this 7th day of February 2009

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