Yes I do! You see Granny was left handed - when she taught me, I learned
upside down. They look funny to everyone else, but they are fine for me.
When Granny was in school, they would crack her hands with a ruler if she
used her left hand. It seems back then it was not good to be left handed.
Today everyone knows that left handed people are the artistic ones, they
use the right side of their brain. Well because she was stopped from using
her left hand to write, she learned to use herright hand, but did most other
things with her left hand. Paul does the same thing, but not for the same
reason, we never discouraged him, and I don't believe they did so at school
either. He writes right handed, but shoots a gun and throws a ball left handed.
Grand dad Charles Smith used both hands equally well. I think Greg does
too. I am not sure just what this means, but I know when I had my hand
operated on, I would sure liked to have been able to use my left hand to
write. I could eat fine, but writting was a problem. I got to where you could
read it, but just barely.
Written this 12th day of February 2009
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