Thursday, February 12, 2009

The boys smashed my right index finger in the car door

I always said that Ronald did it on purpose. As I recall, I had just had my
small pox vaccination and my left arm was pretty swollen and sore. I was
about 3 or 4 then. We came back from some place in the car. Being the
little sister, I was slow getting out. Ron slammed the door before I got my
hand all the way out and my index finger was pinned in the car door. I let
out a scream, and someone, I don't recall who finally came and released
my poor little finder. Well naturally the thing was purple and bleeding. It
healed after I lost the fingernail. The result is the finger was pretty strange
looking from the first knucle to the fingernail. I hated it, but there was not
a thing I could do about it. The nail was flat on one side.
When Paul was about 12 or so, we had the Hillman at the time, he may
have been older. We stopped some place for him to get something. The
car was a four door. It was a hot day and I had my hand out the window.
When Paul slammed the car door - you guessed it, he caught that same
finger in the back door. I screamed again, and he ran back and opened
the door. The finger was bleeding and the cuticle was torn pretty badly.
Of course I lost the nail, but this time it wasn't as flat on one side, but it
seems to have shaped up a bit better. The cuticle didn't grow back right,
but I don't think most people notice it. At least I can grow a nail on that
Moral of the story - keep you fingers out of car doors, or at least have
boys around who aren't apt to close the door on them. Not that either
of my boys ment to do it.
Written this 12th day of February 2009

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