They just sustained a group of new Seminary Teachers at Sacrament Meeting Sunday then on Monday I received an e-mail from one of my former Seminary Students who now lives in Colorado, and has been called to teach Institute this fall.
I got up early and taught Seminary for 17 years in Bakersfield Stake, Anaheim Stake and San Luis Obispo Stake. I also taught early morning Institute for 5 years. Loved every moment of it too. I am not sure I could do it now, not because I am 80, but because the students are so much more caught up with worldly things, they don't have the interest they use to. I have talked to a Seminary Teacher who gave up, because most of her class was not interested in learning. They had their I-Pods and Cell Phones to keep them entertained. Never a dull moment it seems.
I am reminded that the Seminary/Institute Program is an 8 year program. With four years in High School and four years in College. What a wonderful way to ground oneself for future challenges.
I have heard back from some Students and some Parents how much was learned in the classrooms I was responsible for, had helped. I asked to be crituqued every Semester to make sure I was doing the very best I could do. One of the comments that continually came up was the room was always "ready". I had the key issues we would cover on the chalk board and the class agenda listed. Who had the prayer, thought and scripture for the day. My class never seemed to come late. They were all in their chairs before start of the class period. Class discussion was always great, and the students were up on their reading of the scriptures we were studying. I always challenged the class to read all the scripture before the end of the School Year. I knew this was tough because of all the other things they had to do, but it was necessary for them to know where we were and what we were discussing. Playing it by ear was not the best way of preparing for Missions or Classrooms they would stand in front of in the years ahead.
One of the key things I tried to do for each Student was give them "hooks" on which they could hang a thought or idea presented so when it came before them later down the road of life, they would be able to take it down, and refresh themselves on just what it ment. This too paid off richly I was told when a Mother came to me years later and told me she was concerned when she took her Son to the Temple before he left on his Mission. She asked if he was confused by what he had seen and heard, could she help him with anything. He just smiled at her and said:
No, Sister Rosenberg explained all of this to us in Seminary. Meaning, he had used the thoughts I had asked they put on a hook in their minds, and when a time came they would understand just what it ment.
There is nothing new, and nothing secret. Everything is given in one way or another. We just need to have a way of saving the things we don't understand for a time when the revelation will occur that will clear the matter up totally for us. There are sacred things that are not to be discussed, these especially need to be hung on a hook in ones mind when first given at a time when they are not ment to be clear, but when they are presented in the right setting and under the correct conditions will become valuable information. I have had some wonderful opportunities to do this, and on one occasion found, it did exactly what I had hoped it would. If there were other times, as I am sure there were, I have not heard of them.
The Church did not always have Seminary or Institure. The programs were set up by very inspired men who saw the need for a deeper study of the Scriptures. The Books were first very large and special editions with large print and great colored pictures. These were replaced by regular Scriptures. Same great paper of regular Scriptures, but with cheaper covers. I always encouraged the class to get clear plastic covers so the weaker ones would hold up better. All the students were given red pencils to mark their scriptures with. It was important to mark the ones for Scripture Mastery, which were the most important for Future Missionaraies. Everyone should mark and anotate their scriptures. When a thought comes, write it down. If it inspires the reference to another scripture that has ment the same to the reader, that should be put in the margin as well. It will amaze you what struck you one time, will not bring back the same upon another reading. Each notation will be important.
I would encourage every High School Student to MAKE the time for Seminary and everyone out of High School to take advantage of Institute Classes wherever they are offered. We never learn all we need to when it comes to the Scriptures. Everyone has an important part in our understanding of the whole. Because we have the Book of Mormon does not minimize the great worth of the Old Testament, or the New Testament. The Old Testament has all we need to know about how God and Christ started this world, and brought mankind into being. How the chosen people were taught, fell away, and how God and Christ dealt with them. Every story in the Old Testament is important for what it teaches. We won't learn those lessons, if we don't study that great book. The New Testament gives us the Genealogy of Jesus Christ and how he came into this world, and what He did while He was here. We learn about his Apostles and what they taught from what they had learned. The Book of Mormon brings those teaching into clearer view. The Doctrine and Covenants brings us into this Dispensation. How it brought the fullness of the Gospel forth, and how the Church was to be named and organized. The Pearl of Great Price opens new information from two of the Prophets of the Old Testament, Moses and Abraham. They shed new light on the Creation and the state of Man.
Seminary and Institute were organized to help the younger singles to learn and be better aware of the things that have brought us to the times in which we live. Time spent in these classes will bring rich dividends to any who are willing to "pay the price". Nothing comes easy. Everything has its' price. Never be afraid to spend what ever it takes to take advantage of these two great programs. I can promise you will gain far more than you expend.
Written this 27th day of July 2009
by: Eileen Rosenberg
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