As stated previously, I collect thoughts. It started when I was teaching Seminary and has continued to this day. In fact I keep a small notebook in my car and when I see or hear something note worthy, I jot it down. When possible, I try to give credit to the Author. This is not always possible however.
In my gathering I have been known to jot down a thought that passed through my mind. Meant about me. In my sorting the other day I ran across one that has made me stop and think when I was moved to jot it down. For the life of me I can't remember. I guess it isn't really important except to pinpoint it to other things that were happening to and around me at the time.
In life so much takes place that we seldom take time to jot down, or place when the action took place. I guess that is why we are encouraged to keep a journal. We would be amazed, I am sure, if we did take time everyday to keep track of even the simplist things that transpire in our daily life. Oh, I know much is just silly, or mundain, but who knows just who might be touched by setting quietly reading what was such a simple daily happening.
The pioneers were great at doing this. Their jotting has laid before us the trials and delights of enduring the things they went through. In fact it makes us realize just how lucky we are today to live as we do. Yet, how do we know if the things that happen to us today will not be eye openers to future generations? Or what influence our actions may have on those who read what we have so innocently jotted either in a journal, or even on just a piece of paper.
I guess that is what happened to me when I found this piece of paper with one of my "ramblings". I have no idea when it was written. I only know that I was either in a class of some sort, or hearing a talk somewhere, when I was moved to write the few lines on the reverse side of the notes I had been taking.
Do the notes help? At the top of the page is "CTR" written under it: Choose the Right; Continue to Repent and Cherish the Resurrection. After that I wrote Section 105:35, so I looked it up.
"There has been a day of calling, but the time has come for a day of choosing; and let those be chosen that are worthy." with another verse, 41: "Therefore, be faithful; and behold, and lo, I Am with you even unto the end. Even so, Amen."
The word Choices head the next note: "Christ tells Nephi Israel chosen but first HE refined them in the furnace of affliction." 1 Nephi 20:10. Followed by: "Men are free because of their flesh - All things given - which are expedient - they are free to choose." 2 Nephi 2:27 I was amused at the next note: "if you are miserable guess who is working on you?" Doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to answer that question! Then I asked the question: "why are we here?" 2 Nephi 2:25
"Adam fell that man might be; and men are, that they might have joy." I was struck by one word, "might". The way was opened, but the path MUST be chosen! Then Heleman 14:31 (one of my most favorite verses in the BoM: "He hath given unto you that ye might know good from evil, and he hath given unto you that ye might choose life or death; and ye can do good and be restored unto that which is good, or have that which is good restored unto you; or ye can do evil, and have that which is evil restored unto you." with the after thought written down, "Behold Ye Are Free!" Next the last verse in Sec. 37:4 "Behold, here is wisdom, and let every man chosse for himself until I come. Even so. Amen" Final notation: "God never intended to do if for us. God helps those who help themselves." A saying that my Mother told me many times.
On the side margin is penned these words: "God loved us first. He will love us last. We are His hands here. What gets done, we must do!"
Turning the page over written diagonally across the page is this: "I am only one, but if I am unwilling to do my part there is not another who can do what I will not do. Only I can do my job (or calling). I am working out my own salvation. All others are working on their own."
I asked the question: "Who was I until Lowell (Elder Taylor) and Keith (Elder Labrum) knocked on my door in 1952 ?" Then I gave this answer: "One of God's children awaiting the opportunity to grow. Without the choices I have made that have led me here today (?) I could as well have been any lost soul floundering in lifes ways. It is not alone hearing the Gospel, nor even knowing it is true. It is the motivation the Gospel gives that leads the faithful into paths of righteousness and action." Then I wrote: "Faith without works is dead" Followed by: "The invitation is to live!"
If I follow through with CTR I need to: Continue to Research, Continue to Read (the scriptures);
Continue to Remember (my Savior and his Atonement); Continue to Rededicate (my time and talents); Remember to Radiate (the love from the Savior); Contintue to Realize (I Am A Child of God); Remember to Receive (my blessings with a greatful heart); Remember to Redouble (my commitment to my covenants); Remember to Renew (myself with the taking of the Sacrament each week); Remember to Respond (to the Masters call - 'Come Follow Me').
I am greatful for finding this piece of paper with the writtings I cannot recall making, or the place and time when and where they were made. Another opportunity to bring myself into square with the things I both felt and learned at this time. We pass this way but once, it is good to take stock of where we have been, and how we are doing. Enduring to the end is an ongoing process. How well we do will not be measured by any one insident. I am continually inspired by just how wonderful the Plan of Salvation is. What I am to be is truly up to me. I am not sure just how I am doing, but I am ever greatful for the opportunities that come my way. Age does not limit our possiblities, it alters them a bit, but they continue to present themselves. I pray I will always be up to the benefits that they may present.
Written this 9th day of January 2010
by: Eileen Rosenberg
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