This is something that has been on my mind for some time now. Was it in the pre-existence that we managed to find other spirits that we spent time with and developed relationships with that became so desired; a request to be gathered at the same time and place when "our time on earth" came? An interesting thought. We have been told that some spirits were and are being held back until the time when they will do the work needed to usher in the Second Coming of Christ. I believe they refer to them as "Saturdays Warriors".
We certainly understand that all those who have preceeded us were instrumental in bringing about the various Dispensations. They were the ones who were willing to come and do the things most needed to advance the work and plan of the Lord. Maybe they didn't fully understand all the things we do, they were certainly important in paving the way, and continuing families to which we are joined today.
I just heard on TV yesterday someone asking: "just who made the rules?" I don't have any problem answering that, and feeling quite secure in my answer: "God". Think about it. When the earth was made, and prepared for mortals, they came as a pair. One man, Adam and one woman, Eve. They couldn't have had an difficulty figuring out what the proper form of living together was. They were joined as one. It was Adam and Eve. That was the plan, that was the form, that was natural. No question who was the father, nor the mother. If there had been any question the answer was spelled out after they ate of the forbidden fruit. Adam would labor bringing forth food and Eve would labor bringing forth children. Simple, natural, right!
Maybe watching the way the Mortal Children of Adam and Eve began making up families from the beginning can help us? Everyone is left to make their choices. Pair off and continue the mortal families here on earth. I am still curious however. As the children of God have multiplied over the generations and dispensations were todays families chosen before they actually came here?
Did I choose my Dad and Mother? Then, what made my choice good enough that I landed in the right place at the right time so that I would find, or have the Gospel find me? How is it that I above all the other girls who had "eyes" for Jay come up the "winner"? So many variables, kind of scarey really. Yet could I have missed the boat? I wonder? Something to think about.
Did I know there that I would only have two children? Did I know who they would be? In some really wide spectrum I could even wonder, did I know my Grand Children then, had we talked about all the things that were and would happen?
You know I had always wanted a sister. The nearest thing I had to that was Willetta, my brothers wife. What a sweetheart she was. Did I know her before? When I had my own daughter I hoped we would be close and have a bond that was as wonderful as I had hoped having a sister would have been. I haven't seemed to have achieved that magic. You notice I said: "I have never". Something that has been a great disappointment on my part. I know the desire has always been there, but I seem to have been short in directing things in that direction.
Could be part of my eternal progression. Something that will come, but I haven't earned it just yet. Somethings I believe are worth waiting for.
How did I end up a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Such a far cry from anything I had know in my early years. With all those I knew in school, yet never knew they were LDS, it seems stange that I would end up finding "Mr Right" who was neither active nor interested in the Church. Was it the fact I had to fight my way into activity that has made me faithful? Good question! Would I have been the Latter-day Saint I am today if I had found a faithful partner who would have guided me through those early trials? I wonder! Or, was I the hard head that had to drive the faith in the family and have "Mr Right" tag along until the twilight years to join in the "journey"? Good question.
What makes any of us choose and struggle? Why are we where we are? What has kept us on the path? Where will we really end up? You know they say it isn't over until the "fat lady sings". I am not even sure it will be over when it is "over". It seems to me that a lot more goes on after the "final curtain call". Knowing for sure that what I did before I came here has a great deal more power than I even know about - that will effect "here after". I recall how I was stunned to read in Jays Patriarical Blessing that his name was on the "Lambs Book of Life" before he was born. That ment he had earned his place in the Celestial Kingdom. He had been valiant and walked shoulder to shoulder with Adam in the war in Heaven. Pretty impressive I'd say. Then I stopped to remember that it was only in those twilight years he had fulfilled his Mission and gone to the Temple enough to learn those important things before he passed through that "final curtain". I have seemed to have had to learn so much, and he, it seems had done all that before he even got here. That is not to say I am slow, it just means that both sides of mortality seem to be terribly important - how much choosing did we really do? Was part of those choices being willing to give our faithful stewardship on this side, rather than there? Good question! Or have we given some on both sides?
I have heard it said we would be amazed if we knew here what we knew there. I only hope that I can remember then what I have learned here. It has been such a wonderful thing to me to be able to read and understand things I wouldn't have even thought about before. To set in a Temple Session and after all these years hear something NEW. How does that happen. Like Sister Stout use to tell me: "I am surprised at how much more they have put into the Book of Mormon since the last time I read it". Maybe that is what is ment by "seeing is believing". So much I never saw before and yet when it appears before my eyes I set dumb struck that I never saw it before. Nothing new, just something revealed. Amazing and wonderful.
Well from the title of this "rambling" I wondered when did we make that choice, or did we. I don't believe anything happens by accident, but how much we knew, planned, aided, promoted, or even wanted before we came here is something I shall not know here, but when I do, I am sure I will be just as amazed and full of wonderment as when I set there in the Temple and find that "something new" that becomes clear to my mind and thrills me. In the mean time, I shall plod along, thinking on such things and hoping when the "further light and knowledge" we have been promised finally becomes clear, I will be able to show the thrill that moment brings. Learning is fun. I hope I may go on being "added upon".
Written this 21st day of January 2010
by: Eileen Rosenberg
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